Binghamton University News
New Research at Binghamton Challenges AI Assumptions
In research published in Nature Communications, Sadamori Kojaku shows that simple neural networks can find communities in complex networks with theoretical optimality.
SUNY Technology Accelerator Fund Class of 2024
$425K in seed funding to advance new technologies with implications for sustainable electronics, clean energy, cancer treatment and sensor devices.
Professor Seeks to Integrate Biobatteries into 3D-Printed Circuits
A $550,000 NSF grant will fund research into developing a manufacturing process that will not kill the biological components necessary for power generation.
SPIR Aids Small Companies by Solving Tech Problems
The Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence gives small and startup businesses access to the outstanding assets of four premier SUNY engineering programs.
Powering the Future
Binghamton University scientists and engineers are taking the lead on key aspects of clean-energy technology, receiving more than $9M in funding over the past five years.
Spider Silk Research Leads to a New Kind of Microphone
Nearly 150 years after Alexander Graham Bell patented the first microphone, Binghamton University researchers are working to revolutionize audiology again.
TAF Impact: New Standards for a Nascent Industry
Testing technology developed at Binghamton University can help manufacturers save hundreds of millions of dollars, reduce materials waste.
How Climate Change May Limit Insect Biodiversity
Binghamton University research explores how a warming world could impact ecosystems and derail the development of new species.
Professor Hopes to Revolutionize Power Transformers
Binghamton University’s Pritam Das has researched better integrating bidirectional AC-DC and DC-DC converters with high-frequency galvanic isolation.
An Innovative Look at Copper Reactions
The results of the Binghamton University - Brookhaven National Laboratory research could inspire solutions for clean energy.
Data Center Research Group Earns Additional NSF Funding
The Binghamton University-led Center for Energy Smart Electronic Systems brings together academic and industry experts to reduce the energy consumed by data centers.
Binghamton University joins newly formed consortium awarded $15 million
The National Science Foundation Hub aims to foster innovation, entrepreneurship and local economic development.
Binghamton wins $113 million to bolster battery initiatives
Binghamton University-led initiative was one of only 21 selected for Build Back Better Challenge funding to bolster domestic battery manufacturing and supply chain, reinvigorate region.
New biobatteries use bacterial interactions to generate power for weeks
Binghamton University Professor Seokheun “Sean” Choi's new “plug-and-play” biobattery lasts for weeks at a time and can be stacked to improve output voltage and current.
SUNY researchers tackle climate change
SUNY’s in-depth approach includes understanding the history, current trends, and impact of climate change and devising ways to mitigate its effects.
CO2-to-fuel process wins TAF MVP CleanTech Competition
The cleantech Most Valuable Pitch competition featured presentations from ten early stage companies working in solar, wind, biofuels, energy storage and more.
SUNY research seeks solutions to Alzheimer’s disease
Unchecked, AD cases are expected to reach 16 million by 2050. SUNY researchers are hard at work probing the causes, developing treatments and creating a cure.
Integrating environmental health and medicine
Environmental influences on health care range from weather pattern changes to the increasing use of nanomaterials in consumer products.
Binghamton University professor wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry
SUNY’s 16th Nobel Prize recipient, M. Stanley Whittingham, is recognized for pioneering research leading to the development of the lithium-ion battery.
Leading research in next-generation computing and communication
SUNY researchers are at the leading edge of rapid developments in materials, devices, systems, manufacturing processes and the engineering of computers.
Eighteen SUNY junior faculty win prestigious NSF CAREER Awards
The grants, which total more than $9.5 million, illustrate SUNY’s success in attracting some of the world’s finest young researchers to New York State.
SUNY leads in resiliency of community and critical infrastructure
SUNY’s expert faculty and unique facilities enable important research that will allow New York State to adapt to changing weather patterns.
The search for a better catalyst
Binghamton University chemist Chuan-Jian Zhong engineered a new alloy from the atomic level up.
A leader in global healthcare research and education
Working with global partners, researchers on SUNY’s campuses are making a difference in the lives of people around the world.
SUNY Technology Accelerator Fund announces Class of 2018 awards
Over $200,000 invested to spur commercialization at six campuses.
Binghamton University engineer creates origami battery
Inexpensive paper batteries could one day power biosensors for use in remote locations.
Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset
SUNY ZAP! helps SUNY’s scientists and engineers take research from the lab to the marketplace.
SUNY brings broad expertise to University Climate Change Coalition
SUNY is taking a leadership role to mitigate the causes of climate change and reduce vulnerability to the environmental challenges caused by a warming Earth.
Two SUNY professors elected to the National Academy of Engineering
University at Buffalo's Amit Goyal and Binghamton University's Stanley Whittingham were honored for advancements in materials science.
Attacking Alzheimer ’s disease
Researchers across the SUNY campuses are attacking the problem of Alzheimer’s from every possible angle.
SUNY looking to a sustainable energy future
SUNY researchers are exploring renewable and alternative fuels, energy production, and conservation.
Binghamton University’s Bane awarded TAF investment to explore drug delivery
For years, scientists have been searching for ways to reduce the debilitating side effects of anti-cancer drugs. At Binghamton University, Susan Bane thinks she
SUNY on the front lines in the battle with substance abuse and addiction
SUNY employing its talented faculty and leading-edge facilities to approach this public health crisis from several angles.
Binghamton scientist probes addiction at the cellular level
Although still in its early stages, Yao-Ying Ma’s research has already revealed prenatal alcohol exposure effect on maturing synapses.
Binghamton professor recognized for energy research
Pioneering researcher M. Stanley Whittingham and his students are trying to solve one of the more bewildering mysteries of batteries.
TAF investment promotes development of inexpensive passive solar system
Passive solar systems currently employ metal coatings, rather than dyes. ChromaNanoTech plans to incorporate its light-filtering dyes into the plastic itself.
Twelve SUNY junior faculty awarded prestigious NSF CAREER Awards
Grants totaling $6.5 million support biotech, computer science, materials and energy research.
Re-examining freedom
Alana Gunn’s social work research fights the stigma of serving prison time.
Rethinking depression
Binghamton researchers learn more by using eye-tracking studies.
3-D printing of skin starts at the scrap yard for Binghamton University researcher
When Kyle Reeser wants to upgrade the 3-D bioprinter he built, he does much of the work himself, from designing the part to finding the necessary materials.
Binghamton’s ES2 leads efforts to maximize data center efficiency
Scientists aim to reduce energy consumption by developing smart data centers that self-measure and self-regulate.
Binghamton alums pioneer tech start-up in materials testing
With customers in the US, Europe and India, Advanced Materials Analytics LLC is spreading the word about what BU can do for technology.
Biochemist seeks new way to fight cancer
New strategy targets hedgehogs -- proteins that help govern how cells develop.
Study: Women hurt more by breakups but recover more fully
A new study by Binghamton graduate researcher Craig Morris reveals that different experiences boil down to biology.
Innovation targets body temperature
Laser based body heater increases weight loss and productivity.
Nanotech process makes inexpensive dyes heat-resistant
Optical dyes that are both economical and stable are about to hit the market, thanks to some researchers at Binghamton University.
Electronics Manufacturing
A Binghamton University team developed a new technique that will improve the quality of flexible, conductive, transparent glass.
All soaps are not created equal
A bioengineer with expertise in fluid and solid dynamics developed a new technique will make it possible to build a better soap.
Using 3-D printing technology to build implantable tissues and organs
Plan would strip a patient's cells down to a stem cell-like framework and use the 3-D process to add material until it produces a functioning specialized cell.
Room for innovation
BU’s new Seymour Kunis Media Core, part research lab and part movie studio, has contributed to advances in information security and human-computer interaction.