Sponsored Programs & Research Compliance

Managing SUNY’s $1 billion research portfolio requires that the RF comply with more than 100 federal and state government laws and regulations, as well as sponsor and university policies and procedures. The RF provides expertise, resources and training related to sponsored programs and research compliance.


Sponsored Programs Compliance

Research Compliance

OMB Uniform Guidance

Corporate Fact Sheet

Effort Reporting Certification and Reporting Technology

Financial Conflicts of Interest Policy (Conflicts of Interest in Public Health Service Sponsored Programs)

Subrecipient Monitoring and Management

CITI Program Administrators Training

SUNY Statement on Research Integrity

Human and Animal Subjects Research - Best Practices

Export Controls


For more information about:

Sponsored Programs Compliance

Research Compliance


Scott Shurtleff
Vice President, Sponsored Programs & Regulatory Affairs
(518) 434-7284


Joshua B. Toas
Vice President of Compliance, Chief Compliance Officer & Assistant Scretary
(518) 434-7145