Operations Managers

Research Foundation (RF) operations managers are appointed by the RF’s president on the recommendation of the respective campus presidents, who are delegated the authority to execute the powers and duties necessary to conduct Research Foundation business.

Research Foundation (RF) deputy operations managers are delegated authority by the campus RF operations manager (OM) to execute the Research Foundation business functions under the OM’s direction.


University at Albany

Operations Manager
Mr. Thenkurussi Kesavadas, PhD
Vice President for Research and Economic Development
Phone: (518) 956-8170
Email: tkesavadas@albany.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Paula Kaloyeros
Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Programs Administration
Phone: (518) 442-3196
Email: pkaloyeros@albany.edu

Alfred State College

Operations Manager
Mr. Timothy Sortore
Director of Business Affairs
Phone: (607) 587-3924
Email: SortorTR@alfredstate.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Mr. Peter McClain
Interim Director of Sponsored
Programs and Institutional Research
Phone: (607) 587-3986
Email: mcclaipm@alfredstate.edu

Binghamton University

Operations Manager
Ms. Lisa Gilroy
Associate Vice President for Sponsored Programs
Phone: (607) 777-6136
Email: lgilory@binghamton.edu 


SUNY Brockport

Operations Manager
Mr. Ian Harper
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Phone: (585) 395-5101
Email: iharper@brockport.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Laura Merkl
Director of Scholarship, Research, and Sponsored Programs
Phone: (585) 395-2444
Email: lmerkl@brockport.edu

SUNY Buffalo

Operations Manager
Mr. Venu Govindaraju, PhD
Vice President for Research and Economic
Phone: (716) 645-3321 
Email: vpr@research.buffalo.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Beth Corry
Assistant Vice President, 
Financial Services
Phone: (716) 645-2644
Email: bcorry@buffalo.edu

Buffalo State University 

Operations Manager
Mr. M. Scott Goodman, Ph.D.
Director of Undergraduate Research
Phone: (716) 878-5204
Email: goodmams@buffalostate.edu 

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Jessica Berg
Director, Sponsored Programs
Phone: (716) 878-3047
Email: bergjm@buffalostate.edu

SUNY Canton

Operations Manager
Ms. Shawn Miller
Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer
Phone: (315) 379-3820
Email: millers@canton.edu

Deputy Operations Manager 
Ms. Lenore VanderZee, JD, PhD
Vice President for Strategic Relations & Communications
Phone: (315) 386-7109
Email: vanderzeel@canton.edu 

SUNY Cobleskill

Operations Manager
Ms. Wendy Gilman
Vice President for Business and Finance
Phone: (518) 255-5416
Email: gilmanwc@cobleskill.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Laura Gross
Director of Business Affairs and Controller
Phone: (518) 255-5626
Email: grossll@cobleskill.edu

SUNY Cortland

Operations Manager
Mr. Mark Yacavone
Vice President for Finance and Management
Phone: (607) 753-4711
Email: mark.yacavone@cortland.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Mr. Dominick Fantacone, PhD 
Director of Research and Sponsored Programs
Phone: (607) 753-4704
Email: Dominick.Fantacone@cortland.edu

SUNY Delhi

Operations Manager
Ms. Chelsea Mathieu
Interim Vice President, Finance and Administration
Phone: (607) 746-4582 
Email: mathiecl@delhi.edu 

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Ellen Liberatori
Grant Specialist

Phone: (607) 746-4612
Email: liberaem@delhi.edu 
SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Operations Manager
Mr. David Christini, PhD
Senior Vice President of Research
Phone: (718) 270-8200
Email: david.christini@downstate.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Sharon Sealy
Executive Director, Office of Research Administration
Phone: (718) 270-1303
Email: sharon.sealy@downstate.edu

Empire State University

Operations Manager 
Ms. Julie Majak
Vice President of Finance and Administration, Chief Financial Officer
Phone: (518) 587-2100
Email: julie.majak@esc.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Lexi Bonitatibus
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer
Phone: (518) 580-4074
Email: lexie.bonitatibus@esc.edu


Interim Operations Manager
Mr. Keith Kaplan
Strategic Projects, Sponsored Program Services
Phone: (518) 434-7035
Email: keith.kaplan@rfsuny.org

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Kate Edwards
Director of Sponsored Programs and Research Finance
Phone: (315) 470-6610
Email: kwall@esf.edu 

Farmingdale State College

Operations Manager
Mr. Dominic Esposito
Director of Sponsored Programs Administration and Finance
Phone: (631) 420-2170
Email: esposid@farmingdale.edu


SUNY Fredonia

Operations Manager/RF Integrated
Services Unit
Mr. Jay Barclay
Associate Director of Finance
Phone: (518) 434-7174
Email: jay.barclay@rfsuny.org


SUNY Geneseo

Operations Manager
Ms. Betsy Colón
Director, Sponsored Programs Operations
Phone: (585) 245-5060
Email: colon@geneseo.edu


Maritime College

Operations Manager
Ms. Roxanne Thompson
Phone: (718) 409-3162
Email: rthompson@sunymaritime.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Julie Ramnarais
General Accounting Manager
Phone: (347) 842-1696
Email: jramnarais@sunymaritime.edu

SUNY Morrisville

Operations Manager
Mr. John Gunerman
Director of Purchasing
Phone: (315) 684-6068
Email: gunermjr@morrisville.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Christina Deyo
Enrollment Manager
Phone: (315) 684-6445
Email: deyocm@morrisville.edu

SUNY New Paltz

Operations Manager
Deborah Gould
Assistant Provost, Academic Affairs
Phone: (845) 257-3377
Email: gouldd@newpaltz.edu 



Operations Manager
Mr. Scott Bateman
Vice President of Finance and Program Administration
Phone: (518) 437-8689
Email: sbateman@ny-creates.org

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Laura Babcock
Associate Vice President for
Research Administration

Phone: (518) 956-7102 
Email: lbabcock@ny-creates.org

SUNY Old Westbury

Operations Manager
Ms. Suzette Foster
Associate Vice President, Business Operations
Phone: (516) 876-3094
Email: Fosters@oldwestbury.edu


SUNY Oneonta

Operations Manager
Ms. Julie Piscitello
Vice President for Finance
Phone: (607) 436-2081
Email: julie.piscitello@oneonta.edu 

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Pamela Dubitsky
Director of Research, Grants and Contracts
Phone: (607) 436-2525
Email: pamela.dubitsky@oneonta.edu

College of Optometry

Operations Manager
Mr. Stewart Bloomfield, PhD
Associate Dean for Graduate
Studies and Research

Phone: (212) 938-5532
Email: sbloomfield@sunyopt.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Mr. George Young
Research and Finance Operations Manager
Phone: (212) 938-4000 x 4159
Email: gyoung@sunyopt.edu 

SUNY Oswego

Operations Manager
Ms. Victoria Furlong 
Vice President for Finance and Administration
Phone: (315) 312-2222
Email: victoria.furlong@oswego.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Maria Nakamura 
Associate Director, Research and Sponsored Programs
Phone: (315) 312-2884
Email: maria.nakamura@oswego.edu

SUNY Plattsburgh

Operations Manager
Ms. Magen Renadette
Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance
Phone: (518) 564-3246
Email: mrena002@plattsburgh.edu 

Deputy Operations Manager
Mr. Michael Simpson
Director, Sponsored Research and Programs
Phone: (518) 564-2155
Email: michael.simpson@plattsburgh.edu 

SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Operations Manager (Utica)
Mr. Keith B. Kaplan
The Research Foundation for SUNY
Phone: (518) 434-7035
Email: keith.kaplan@rfsuny.org


SUNY Potsdam

Operations Manager
Mr. Brent K. Parker
Chief Financial Officer
Phone: (315) 267-2757
Email: parkerbk@potsdam.edu 

Deputy Operations Manager
Mr. John P. McGuire, PhD
Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Phone: (315) 267-2130
Email: mcguirjp@potsdam.edu

Purchase College

Operations Manager/RF Integrated
Services Unit
Mr. Jay Barclay
Associate Director of Finance
Phone: (518) 434-7174
Email: jay.barclay@rfsuny.org


Stony Brook University

Operations Manager
Mr. Kevin H. Gardner, PhD.
Vice President for Research
Phone: (631) 632-7932
Email: kevin.gardner@stonybrook.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Nina Maung-Gaona, PhD
Senior Associate Vice President for Research Development and Partnerships
Phone: (631) 632-7932
Email: nina.maung@stonybrook.edu

Upstate Medical University

Operations Manager
Dr. David Amberg
Vice President for Research
Phone: (315) 464-4538
Email: ambergd@upstate.edu

Deputy Operations Manager
Ms. Gina McMahon
Director of Sponsored Programs Post Award
Phone: (315) 464-4665
Email: mcmahong@upstate.edu

SUNY System Administration-VCRED

Operations Manager
Mr. Jay Barclay
Associate Director of Finance
Phone: (518) 434-7174
Email: jay.barclay@rfsuny.org

Deputy Operations Manager 
Ms. Jessica Healy
Associate Director of Finance
Phone: (518) 434-7087
Email: jessica.healy@rfsuny.org

SUNY Strategic Support
(Strategic Plan Allocation)

Operations Manager
Mr. Kevin Donlon
Director of Business Operations
Phone: (518) 320-1442
Email: kevin.donlon@suny.edu

Co-Operations Manager
Mr. Keith Kaplan
Strategic Projects, Sponsored Programs Services 
Phone: (518) 434-7035
Email: keith.kaplan@rfsuny.org