Minority & Women-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE)
The Research Foundation for SUNY is committed in promoting the growth and development of Minority and Women-owned Businesses in New York State. RF campuses are encouraged to make purchases using certified M/WBE where feasible and in the best interest of the institution. For additional information, please visit the RF Procurement Policy
Purchasing offices should make good faith efforts to include meaningful participation with M/WBE when soliciting bids/proposals. In addition, purchases up to $200,000 from a certified small, minority or women-owned businesses do not require three written quotes, but do require reasonableness of price.
The Research Foundation for SUNY is also a member of the Educational & Institutional Cooperative Purchasing Consortium (E&I). The E&I program has a listing of M/WBE suppliers where Purchasing staff can obtain certified suppliers. Please visit the E&I Consortium page for additional information.
If you need help in obtaining a M/WBE, please visit the NYS Empire Development MWBE directory to search for a specific vendor, product or service.
Please visit the RF SUNY M/WBE Contacts page for a complete listing of campus contacts.
What is a M/WBE?
A minority-owned business is defined as being owned, capitalized, operated and controlled by a member of an identified minority group. Ownership by minority individuals means the business is at least 51% owned by such individuals or, in the case of publicly-owned business, at least 51% of the stock is owned by one or more such individuals.
A women-owned business is defined as being owned, capitalized, operated and controlled by a woman or group of women. Ownership by women means the business is at least 51% owned by a woman or group of women. In the case of a publicly-owned business, at least 51% of the stock is owned by one or more women.
Do M/WBE firms have to be certified?
The use of non-NYS certified firms is not acceptable for M/WBE goal attainment. Only M/WBE firms certified by Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC), Division of Minority & Women’s Business Development can be utilized to meet M/WBE goals.
What does a supplier have to do to become New York State certified?
To obtain information on becoming certified in New York State as a minority or woman-owned business, have them contact one of the offices below:
Department of Economic Development
Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development
30 South Pear Street – 2nd Floor
Albany, NY 12245
Phone: (518) 292-5803
New York City
633 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017-6706
Phone: (212) 803-27411
Fax: (212) 803-3223
If the firm is certified by the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC), is it automatically certified by every Agency and Authority in New York State?
No. If a firm is NYS certified by the Empire State Development Corporation, it can be utilized for goal attainment purposes by most agencies or authorities in New York State. However, some entities like Port Authority of NY/NJ, Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Transportation Authority have additional certification programs.
For questions regarding M/WBE, please contact Stephanie Deyette.