Place an employee on FMLA or Military Leave of Absence

Use these instructions to enter accrual elements to an eligible employee’s record or to enter available balances for FMLA or military leave.

To place an employee on FMLA or military LOA

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. The beginning of the LOA must be known. IF LOA is being supplemented with paid time off (PTO), calculations must be made for the amount of PTO used during the LOA dates.
  2. FMLA or Military leave may be concurrently supplemented with an employee's accrued PTO. To enter PTO, refer to process help, Enter Paid Time Off (PTO) Leave Usage.
  3. Navigate to People > Enter and Maintain to go to the Decision form.
    1. If the start date is not the first day of the leave of absence, click Yes to go to the Alter Effective Date form.
      1. Complete the following fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Effective Date


    First day of leave of absence.

    Today's Date


    Current date

    1. Click OK to go to the Find Person form.
    1. If the current effective date is the first day of the leave of absence, click No to go to the Find Person form.
  4. Complete one of the following appropriate Find Person form fields.

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Full Name


    Last name of the employee. The last name search narrows choices for selection.

    Employee Number


    Employee ID number.

    Social Security


    A nine-digit, unique personal identification number (SSN) issued by the U.S. Social Security Administration.



    Select Employee from the List of Values.

  5. Click Find to go to the People form.
  6. Click Assignment to go to the Assignment form.
  7. Click Entries to go to the Element Entries form.
  8. Click in the Element Name field on the next available element entry line. If no element entry lines are available, select File > New to open a new line or click the New icon on the tool bar.
  9. Select from the Elements List of Values (...). Leave accrual elements displayed are based on the Assignment Category field of the employee's Assignment form. Verify that this field is correct if you don't see the element you need.
  10. If you need to add an element that will allow an eligible employee to take FMLA leave, select FMLA Leave. Click OK to go back to the Element Entries form.
  11. If you need to add an element that will allow an eligible employee to take military leave, select Military Leave. Click OK to go back to the Element Entries form.
  12. Click Entry Values to go to the Entry Values form.
  13. As required, complete the following fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    For FMLA, enter the amount of entitlement in hours.

    For military leave, enter the amount of entitlement in days.



    For FMLA, enter the start date of FMLA leave.

    For military leave, enter the first day of the calendar year.

    Date Earned


    Effective date of the element.

  14. Close the Entry Values form by selecting the X icon in the upper right of the window.
  15. Select File > Save. Close the element entry form to return to the Assignment form.
  16. Update the following field from the List of Values:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    Payroll processing and record keeping status.

    Select Paid Leave for employees on FMLA or military leave who are using any part of their accrued paid time off.

    Select Unpaid Leave for employees on FMLA or military leave who are not using their paid time off or who have exhausted their accrued PTO.

  17. Select File > Save. When changing data fields, the system may prompt you to Update the record and keep a history of changes or to Correct the previous entry without keeping a history. When changing a status because of an event such as start of a leave of absence or change from paid to unpaid LOA, select Update.
  18. Click the [ ] field in the lower right corner of the form to go to the Additional Assignment Details form.
  19. Complete the following field:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    The time a salaried employee is regularly scheduled to work.

    Select 0.00 (zero) if Unpaid Leave was selected in step 9.

    Select up to 1 if Paid Leave was selected in step 9.

  20. Click OK to return to the Assignment form
  21. Select File > Save.
  22. Click the X icon in the top right of the Assignment form to return to the People form.
  23. Click Others... to go to the Navigation Options window.
  24. Select Absence.
  25. Click OK to go to the Absence Detail form.
  26. Supplemental PTO use must be entered concurrently. If the employee is using accrued PTO while on FMLA or military leave, leave accrual usage must be entered for the same pay periods as the FMLA or military leave absence. For information of how to enter PTO, refer to the process help, Enter Paid Time off (PTO) Leave Usage. As required, complete the following Absence Detail form fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    Absence type.

    Select either FMLA Leave or Military Leave from the List of Values.



    Select the reason for leave from the List of Values.

    Actual Start (Date)


    First day of FMLA or military leave period.

    Actual Start (Time)


    The time the leave period begins.

    Use military time based on a 24 hour clock.

    Actual End (Date)


    The last day of FMLA or military leave period.

    Actual End (Time)


    The time the leave period ends.

    Use military time based on a 24 hour clock.

    For example: 16:30

    Duration (Days)


    Days on FMLA or military leave, based on the input from the Actual Start and Actual End dates.

    Duration (Hours)


    Hours on FMLA or military leave, based on the input from the Actual Start and Actual End dates.

    Required for all employee on FMLA, including exempt and nonexempt employees. Usage runs off the duration field.

  27. Select File > Save. One or more Caution Windows may prompt you to OK the input made to the Absence Detail form.