SUNY Pre-Award and Compliance System Login

This page is for the PACS Staging environment (sandbox).

Choose ONE of the login methods below for SUNY Pre-Award and Compliance System (PACS).

Notice: If attempting to access the Sandbox environment via your campus login from the "Using Campus Login" drop-down menu, you must be on your campus network for the login to function. Access from non-campus networks is restricted.

Using Campus Login


Binghamton University logo 

Have a SUNY PACS account but not a campus account?

Click here to log in with your SUNY PACS account. 

Don't have a SUNY PACS account?

Click here to register. Registration is open to:

  • SUNY campus faculty, staff and students. 
  • External SUNY campus partners who need access to the campus site in PACS, including collaborators from other SUNY campuses.  


Questions? Contact Customer Services at (518) 434-7222