Report RF Cost Transfer Register



The Research Foundation (RF) LD Cost Transfer Register report provides detailed or totals-only information for Distribution Adjustments and Pre-Generated Distribution Lines that have been transferred between awards. The report can be run for a biweekly or SUNY payroll, for a specific time period, award type, number of days lapsed since original charge, by sponsor, and with or without suspense transactions included. This monitoring report should be used to review cost transfers in the Labor Distribution module and ensure the transfers are appropriate and documented. Please refer to the Transfer of Costs Policy.


The RF's central office recommends that operating locations run this report monthly to ensure the distribution adjustments and/or Pre-Generated Distribution Lines listed on the report are valid and have the proper documentation to support the transfer.

Responsibilities With Access

[LOC] LD Administrator

[LOC] LD Inquiry

650 LD Administrator All

650 LD Administrator Campus Only

650 LD Adm Campus Only Inquiry

LD Assistant SuperUser

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters


Select the operating location or any organization within the operating location


Select either Biweekly or SUNY

Start Date

Start date of transactional period to show on the report

End Date

End date of transactional period to show on the report

Order By

Employee Name (Default), Days Lapsed

Summary Only

No (Default) - prints all transaction information that match parameter criteria.

Yes - prints totals-only summary.

Bypass Suspense

No (Default) - Prints all transaction information including suspense transactions.

Yes - returns only non-suspense transactional information.

Optional Parameters

Award Type

Federal, Federal Flow Through, Other. If left blank report will print all award types

Greater Than or Equal To Days Lapsed

Number of days lapsed from transaction of the original charge to the date the distribution adjustment or Pre-Generated Distribution Line batch was processed. Days lapsed of zero will return pre-generated distribution line transactions, since pre-gens are not redistributions linked to a charge but rather user-entered redistributions to correct errors (only input by Central office staff). Days lapsed greater than zero will return distribution adjustments.


A name that identifies the organization that is sponsoring the award. This will allow users to review all LD cost transfers for a specific sponsor.

Understanding the Output

The table that follows describe the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Effective Date

/Create Date

Effective date is the payroll effective date of the charge. In the case of a retro paid on 7/31/09 for the retro period of 7/4/09 through 7/17/09 the effective date will be 7/17/09. Create date is the date the Distribution Adjustment or Pre-Generated Distribution Lines transaction was entered into the system.


Type of transaction: A = Distribution Adjustment; P = Pre-Generated Distribution Lines


Project Number


Task Number


Award Number

Award Type

Type of Award (Federal, Federal Flow Through, Non-sponsored, Nonfederal, etc.)

Expenditure Organization/

Major Sponsor Name

Expenditure Organization associated with the Distribution Adjustment or Pre-Generated Distribution Lines. Major sponsor - a name that identifies the major organization that is sponsoring the award.

Expenditure Type/

Sponsor Name

Expenditure type associated with the Distribution Adjustment or Pre-Generated Distribution Lines. / Sponsor Name - a name that identifies the organization that is sponsoring the award.

Summary Amount

Total amount of Transaction (by PTAOE)

Days Lapsed From Orig.

The number of days lapsed is calculated by subtracting the original date the charge posted from the date the Distribution Adjustment or Pre-Generated Distribution was created.

Batch Name

Distribution Adjustment or Pre-Generated Distribution Lines batch name

Submitted By

User Name that submitted the Distribution Adjustment or Pre-Generated Distribution Lines batch

Helpful Tips

The report is available in PDFormat. PDF is a formatted, printable version.

Effective Date: 8/24/2009 3:03:39 PM