Report - RF AP Invoice Cost Transfer Register



The Research Foundation (RF) AP Invoice Cost Transfer Register report provides detailed information for invoices that have been transferred between awards. The report can be run for a specific award type and/or a specific time period. This monitoring report should be used to review cost transfers in the Accounts Payable module. Please refer to the Transfer of Costs Policy.


The RF's central office recommends that operating locations run this report monthly to ensure the invoices listed on the report have the proper documentation to support the transfer.

Responsibilities with Access

People with the following responsibilities are able to generate this report:

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to used to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters

Order By

Determines the sort order of the invoices on the report. Choices are either Supplier Name or Days Lapsed.

Start Date

The start date of transferred lines to be reviewed.

End Date

The end date of transferred lines to be reviewed.

Optional Parameters


Enter the users Location. If this is left blank the report will run for all locations for those users who have the security to do so.

Award Type

Allows the ability to only display cost transfer for certain award types. The options are as follows: Federal, Federal flow thru, Federal and federal flow thru or All award types (including federal and federal flow thru)

Days Lapsed

Enter the number of days that have lapsed between transferred lines.

For example: If you enter 30 the report will only display transfers that are greater then 30 days between the transferred line and the original transaction.


A name that identifies the organization that is sponsoring the award. This will allow users to review all AP cost transfers for a specific sponsor.

Understanding the Output

The table that follows describe the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Vendor Name

Name of the supplier as it appears in the supplier file.

Vendor Site

Site in supplier file entered for the invoice.

Invoice Num

The number you used to identify the invoice.

Invoice Dte

Invoice Date

Inv Amount

The full amount on the invoice, including tax, freight and miscellaneous charges. If you're creating a zero clearing invoice, enter a zero amount. For example: 0.00.


Invoice description

Days Laps

The number of days between the transferred distribution line and the original transaction.

Transaction Date

Date the invoice distribution line was created.


Purchase order or blanket release number, if applicable


Project number being charged for the expenditure.


Task number being charged for the expenditure


Award number being charged for the expenditure


A name that identifies the organization that is sponsoring the award

Award Type

The type of funds awarded.

For Example: Federal.

For options, review the List of Values for a description of each.

Expenditure Org

The operating location or specific department responsible for the purchase. Select from the List of Values.

Expenditure Type

The expenditure category that was charged

Distr Amount

Dollar amount for the distribution line

Note: This report includes all cost transfers processed between different awards. However, there are instances where the report will pull in data that is not considered a true cost transfer. An example of this would be recharges within awards. These invoices may be disregarded and not considered in the initial review of cost transfers.

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 3/12/2009 9:10:12 AM