Report - RF Cost Share/Match Commitment Monitoring



The RF Cost Share/Match Commitment Monitoring Report provides a snapshot of the cost share budget and expenditures. It should be run to verify that cost sharing/matching commitments are being met.


Run this report monthly.

Responsibilities with Access

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:

  1. Parameter

    (click in the field to see the List of Values)

    Optional Parameters

    Location (optional)

    Enter the three-digit location code or select from the List of Values. If left blank, you will get all locations.

    Cost Share Type (Leave blank for All values)

    Select the type of cost sharing or matching from the List of Values if you want to limit your report results to that type:

    • Mandatory
    • Voluntary Committed
    • Voluntary Uncommitted


      If you leave this field blank, the report results will include all types of cost sharing/matching.

    Cost Share Type - Second Value or Blank

    To further narrow your report results, you may select a second cost sharing or matching type from the List of Values:

    • Mandatory
    • Voluntary Committed
    • Voluntary Uncommitted

      For Example: If you select Mandatory in the Cost Share Type field and Voluntary Committed in the Cost Share Type- Second Value or Blank field your report will include all sponsored awards with mandatory and voluntary committed cost sharing or matching.

Understanding the Output

The following table describes the report output:

  1. Column Heading

    Description of Column

    Award Loc

    A three-digit code that identifies the specific Research Foundation operating location. In some cases the location code includes both the three-digit code and the short name of the location (abbreviated location name rather than the full name).

    Award Number

    The number of the sponsored award that is linked to the cost share or matching award.

    Sponsor Name

    The name of the award sponsor.

    For Example: National Science Foundation

    Principal Investigator

    The name of the principal investigator responsible for the award.

    Award Start/End Date

    The start and end dates of the award.

    Cost Share/Match Award Number

    The number of the cost sharing or matching award that is linked to the sponsored award.

    Cost Share/Match Project Number

    The number of the cost sharing or matching project that is linked to the sponsored award.

    Cost Share/Match Task Number

    The number of the cost sharing or matching task that is linked to the sponsored award.

    Task Start/End Date

    The start and end date of the cost sharing or matching task.

    Cost Share Commitment Amount

    The amount of cost sharing or matching that was committed to in the proposal and approved in the award notice.

    Cost Share Expenditure Amount

    The amount of expenditures applied to the cost sharing or matching commitment as of the date of the report.

    Cost Share Encumbrance Amount

    The amount of cost sharing or matching funds that were encumbered.

    Commitment Balance

    The amount of cost sharing or matching expenditures still needed to fulfill the cost sharing or matching commitment.


    This balance information is helpful for monitoring purposes because it will indicate if you are on track to meeting your cost sharing/matching commitment or if you are over-contributing or under-contributing.

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