RF Salary Sum by Invoice Project Task Report



Oracle Grants Management (GM) maintains detailed salary and fringe benefit expenditures. The Research Foundation (RF) customized the Salary Sum by Invoice to create a report of total salary and fringe benefit amounts along with fellowship and participant support expenditures by employee from expenditure detail for a specific Accounts Receivable (AR) invoice on an award. Therefore, information displayed in this report is a summation of all personal service activity as reflected on the AR invoice for a specified invoicing period.

A summary of payments is provided at the end of the report to provide subtotals by resource group and a grand total for the period of all personal service costs. Report Headers contain the following: Award Number, Draft Invoice Number, AR Invoice Number, Billing Period, Award Organization, Sponsor Name, Sponsor ID Number, Award Period and Principal Investigator.

This report is used to provide supporting documentation to sponsors, in addition to or in place of the RF Invoice Detail Report.


Run this report as needed.

Responsibilities with Access

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required parameters to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters

Award Number

The award number for draft invoice expenditures

Draft Invoice Number

The draft invoice number associated with the award

Project Number

The project number associated with the award for draft invoice expenditures

Task Number

The task number associated with the project and award for draft invoice expenditures

Understanding the Output

This report displays by employee total salary and fringe benefit item detail, fellowship and participant stipend payments for a specific award, project, task, and associated draft invoice. The output file is either PDF or ASCII text.

The following table describes the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Last Name

The last name of the employee

First Name

The first name of the employee


The optional middle initial of the employee

Emp No

The employee number (that is, the unique identifying number) of the person who has been paid


The job position of the employee

Term Date

The current labor schedule termination date

Employee Salary

The total salary distributed for a specific regular employee

Student Salary

The total salary distributed for a specific student employee

Fringe Benefits Salary

The total fringe benefits charged for an employee

Summary of Payments Section

Displays the summary of payments sorted by the resource group and the type of payment with a grand total summary of all payments


The subtotal for all regular salary employees in a resource group


The subtotal for all student salary employee in a resource group


The subtotal for all salary employees in a resource group

Total Salary

The Grand Total of all salaries of all employees

Total Fringe Benefits

The Grand Total of all fringe benefits of all employees

Total Payments

The Grand Total of salary costs charged (that is, salary, fringe, fellowships, participant support)

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 3/30/2007 11:35:27 AM