RF Reports Due Report Export



The Reports Due Report Export identifies reports due on awards, either upcoming or past due, based on the criteria selected. The export version provides the ability to view the report directly in excel.


Operating locations should run this report monthly or as needed to monitor reporting requirements for awards.

Responsibilities with Access

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters

Report Selection

Select Past Due to display all reports that are older than the date on which the Reports Due Report is run. The report will display the number of days past due from the due date.


Select Upcoming to display all reports that have a due date within 60 days from the day the Reports Due Report is run.

Award Status

Select Open to display all open awards with reports due or upcoming.


Note: Open includes award status's of Active, At-risk, and On-Hold.

Select Closed to display all closed awards with reports due or upcoming.


Select All to display all awards regardless of award status with reports due or upcoming.

Report Type

Select Financial to display all reports that have a report type of financial that are due or upcoming.

Select Non Financial to display all reports that are not financial that are due or upcoming.


Select All to display both financial and non financial reports that are due or upcoming.

Order By


Select Award to sort the display of information numerically by Award Number. If this is selected, the sort order of the report is as follows: Award Number, Due Date, Report Name, and Installment Number.


Select Award Principal Investigator to sort the display of information alphabetically by principal investigator's last name. If this is selected, the sort order of the report is as follows: Award PI, Award Number, Due Date, Report Name, Installment Number.

Optional Parameters

Award Location

Select the campus location to display reports due or upcoming for a specific campus.

Setting Report Completion Options to Export Output into Excel

A xml report may be submitted with the format of the output set to excel. This will enable the automatic opening of the file in a spreadsheet application.




From the applicable responsibility in the Navigator window, select Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Requests to go to the Submit a New Request form.


Select Single Request.


Click OK to go to the Submit Request form.


Complete the following field: Name (Title of the report to be run. Select from the List of Values.)


The Parameters form will be displayed if you select a request that requires parameter values. As required, enter the parameters.


Click OK to return to the Submit Request form.


Click Completion Options to return the Upon Completion Options form. Change the Format to Excel (Select from the List of Values).


Click OK to go to the Submit Request form.


Click Submit to go to the Requests form. Submitted requests are queued and run in the order in which they are received. Your current request may appear in a list of all of your requests in the Requests form.


Click Refresh Data until the Phase field displays Completed.



Click View Output. You will then be prompted to either save or open the report in excel.


You have successfully exported the data into Excel.

NOTE: To remove the blank lines select the whole spreadsheet and from the menu bar select Data > Sort and select the column to sort by and the blank lines will be gone.

You can now adjust and manipulate the data. Some column widths may need to be increased for the data to be fully displayed.

Select File > Save As to name the file and save it with the spreadsheet extension.

Understanding the Output

The following table describes the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Operating Location

The campus location from the award.


The system-generated Oracle number assigned to the award

Principal Investigator

The last name and first name of the PI listed on the award


The funding source of the award

Award Period

The start date and end date of the award

Due Date

The day, month, and year the report is due

Report Name

The title of the report that is due or past due

Age (in days)

The number of days report is past due

This column is present only when the report is run for past due reports.

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 9/30/2008 7:35:47 AM