RF Award Information Abstract Report - 3 Column Budgets



The Award Information Abstract Report - 3 column budget is a report that displays information from the Award Management form in the Grants module with the most recent budget change showing original budget, change amount and new budget amount. It displays the terms, conditions, notes, and other general information about the award. All projects funded by the award in all statuses (approved, closed, pending close, rejected, submitted, and unapproved) are displayed in the Project/Task Information section. All budgets from funded Projects and Tasks are listed in the Budget Information section.

The report will display a three column budget as follows: Previous Budget, Budget Change, and Budget based upon the baseline date entered. If multiple budgets exist for multiple project/tasks, the report will only show a budget change for the budget that matched the baseline date entered, and the baseline date will also display on the report. Note: 3 column display is only for the last budget change made, not prior history. The order of the budget display will list all Salaries first, then fringe benefits, and then other than personal service (OTPS) to match the award summary inquiry display order.

The sort order of the funding display and budget display, is by project number and then task number.


Run this report when new awards are established or changes are made to existing awards in the Grants Management Module.

Responsibilities with Access

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters

Award Number

Enter up to 5 award numbers in this field.

Baseline Date

Enter the baseline date for the recent budget change made. If the baseline date is not entered, you will get a one column budget.

Understanding the Output

The table that follows describe the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column


Award Number

The award number


The sponsor name

Award Status

The award status: active, at risk, closed, or on hold

Sponsor ID

The number assigned by the sponsor to identify the award

Award Name

The full name of the award


The organization that owns the award

Principal Inv

The name of the Principal Investigator

Award Type

This field identifies the type of funds: federal, federal flow through, foreign, nonfederal, or nonsponsored.

Primary Funding

This field identifies the primary funding agency.


This field is required on federal flow through awards.

Start Date

The start date of the award

Award Purpose

Identifies type of the activity for which the award was established or the basis for establishing the award


Example of activity: staffing services


Example of basis for award: contract, grant

End Date

The end date of the award

Award Amount

The total awarded amount

PreAward Date

A sponsor-defined date that identifies when expenditures can be charged to an award prior to the start date of the award

Funded Amount

The total project funding on the award


The Federal Catalog Program Number


This is required on federal and federal flow through awards.

Budget Cntrl.

The default level of the award

Budget Amount

The total award amount that is budgeted


This field identifies the type of program for which funds are to be used.


Examples: organized research, educational support, fellowships

Override Rate

The Indirect Cost override rate

Property Title

This field identifies ownership of equipment purchased on the award.


The burden schedule name

Interest Code

The requirements for paying interest income

IDC Calc. Period

Calculation period for indirect costs on award

DHHS Number

The DHHS Agency Prefix number and the DHHS Document number for federal letter of credit awards for drawdown of cash receipts.

Cost Sharing Info

Identifies the type of cost sharing associated with the award. (Examples: Mandatory, Voluntary Committed, Voluntary Uncommitted)

Recovery Act Funding

A Yes or No value to indicate if the award is funded as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

Recovery Act Funding Amount

Indicates the authorized dollar amount funded from the sponsor under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).



The installment number

Issue Date

The date the installment was issued

Start Date/End Date

The start date and the end date of the installment


Y - Yes, the installment is active

N - No, the installment is not active

Direct Cost

The total direct costs

Indirect Cost

The total indirect costs

Total Cost

The total direct and indirect costs



The project number


The project status: approved, closed, pending close, rejected, submitted, or unapproved


The organization assigned to the project

Project NACUBO

This field identifies the type of program for which funds are to be used


Examples: organized research, educational support, fellowships


The task number


The title of the task

Key Members

The project director and the employees who are assigned roles on the project

Task Name

The name associated with the task

Task Manager

The employee assigned as the manager of the task

Task ORG

The organization assigned to the task

Task Rate

The optional indirect cost override rate on the task


If the field in Oracle is not populated, this will be blank.

IDC Calc. Period

The optional calculation period for indirect costs on the task.


If the field in Oracle is not populated, this will be blank.

Task Schedule


The optional burden schedule override on the task


If the field in Oracle is not populated, this will be blank.


The start date and the end date of the project and the tasks


The total funded amount for the task



The award number associated with the budget


The project number funded by the award

Task Number

The task number funded by the award.


If this field is populated, the budget is a task-level budget..


If this field is blank, the budget is a project-level budget.

Ctrl Level

The budget controls at the project and task level that were entered on the Budgetary Control form.


If no budget controls were entered, the column will display NULL, indicating that there are no budgetary controls on the award.

Baseline Date

This filed displays based upon the baseline date entered on the parameter and will then display the budget changes made.

Expenditure Type

The resource group or resource that is budgeted


The amount that is budgeted by the expenditure category/type

Total Direct Budget

The total amount of the direct costs budget

Total Indirect Budget

The total amount of the indirect costs budget

Total Budget

The total amount of the direct and indirect costs budgeted


Will display the project or task transactions controls by expenditure category/type and chargeable field if any exist.


Billing Instructions, Certifications Required, F and A costs, and Miscellaneous Notes


Various fields used for reference information.


Example: Application Number, Center Code, Campus Use fields


Will display all personnel listed on the award and the role assigned to that person.


Will display all reports on the award from the reports region.


Installment number, report name and report due date.


Will display the cost sharing/matching award, project, task and commitment amount.


Credit Organization

The organization that will receive the credit distribution

Credit PI/Co-PI

The principal investigator or co-principal investigator who will receive the credit distribution


The credit distribution percentage that was entered on the Credit Distribution form for the award


Various fields used for reference information.


Example: Application Number, Center Code, Campus Use fields


Will display the word attachment for any items attached as a "file" and list the description of the attachment.

Any notes that have been entered from accessing the toolbar paperclip icon from the Award Management screen

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