RF Award Booked Date



The RF Award Booked Report provides a listing of awards that have been officially awarded and their awarded amount. The report lists awards based on parameter dates. Booked is defined as the date the award status becomes active. An award is not considered Booked when it is created with a status of AT RISK. When the award status changes from AT RISK to ACTIVE, the award is considered officially Booked.


The report should be run as needed to gather information on awards that have been awarded for a campus location.

Responsibilities with Access

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters


Enter the three-digit location number or select the campus for which you want to run the report from the List of Values.

Start Booked Date

Enter the booked date for the start of the period that you want the report to display. For example, 01-Jul-2004.

End Booked Date

Enter the booked date for the end of the period that you want the report to display. For example 31-Jun-2004.

Note: If parameter dates are not entered, the default parameter dates are the first and last days of the current month.

Understanding the Output

The following table describes the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column


A unique sequential number assigned to an award. An award is the record established from the award notice or contract received from a sponsor.


The status of the award, whether it is active or inactive. Award status controls the processing stages of an award.

Award Booked Date

The date an award was established with an award status of Active.

Award PI

The Principal Investigator on the award.

Active Installment Direct Cost

The Direct Cost portion of the installment that is active and against which expenditures can be processed.

Active Installment Indirect Cost

The Indirect Cost portion of the installment that is active and against which expenditures can be processed.

Inactive Installment Direct Cost

The Direct Cost portion of the installment that is in an inactive status that represents future support from the sponsor.

Inactive Installment Indirect Cost

The Indirect Cost portion of the installment that is in an inactive status that represents future support from the sponsor.

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 3/14/2007 8:35:58 AM