RF Incomplete Invoices Report



Oracle Accounts Receivable (AR) module maintains detailed information on incomplete invoices. The Research Foundation (RF) customized the Incomplete Invoices Report to provide a listing of incomplete invoices to determine appropriate action.

This report can be run by customer name or invoice number and can be sorted by customer or invoice number.

A summary of parameters selected is provided at the beginning of the report. This report is used to monitor incomplete invoices in the AR module.


This report is run at least monthly to identify incomplete invoices that require action.

Responsibilities with Access

People with the following responsibilities are able to generate this report:

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameter

Order By

Sort Order is by Customer or by Invoice.

Optional Parameters

Customer Name Low

The customer name that is associated with the award for which the AR invoice was generated. Top of alphabetical range for criteria.

Customer Name High

The customer name that is associated with the award for which the AR invoice was generated. Bottom of alphabetical range for criteria.

Invoice Number Low

The AR Invoice number - The invoice number that Accounts Receivables assigns once an invoice is approved and released, or the invoice number that is assigned to an advance invoice created in AR - Top of range for criteria.

Invoice Number High

The AR Invoice number - The invoice number that Accounts Receivables assigns once an invoice is approved and released, or the invoice number that is assigned to an advance invoice created in AR - Bottom of range for criteria.

Understanding the Output

The following table describes the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

AR Number

The AR Invoice number - The invoice number that Accounts Receivables assigns once an invoice is approved and released, or the invoice number that is assigned to an advance invoice created in AR.


If the transaction information is entered, the due date of the transaction.


The date of the invoice.

Customer Name

The customer name that is associated with the award for which the AR invoice was generated.

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Effective Date: 3/14/2007 8:48:41 AM