RF Customer Credit Snapshot



Oracle Accounts Receivable (AR) module maintains a snapshot of customer information. The Research Foundation (RF) customized the Customer Credit Snapshot report to provide an overview of your customer's credit history.

A summary of parameters selected is provided at the beginning of the report. This report is used to provide invoice aging, customer credit history, and a brief look at the last transaction AR recorded for this customer.


This report can be run and sorted by a customer whenever an overview of the customer's credit history is needed.

Responsibilities with Access

People with the following responsibilities are able to generate this report:

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters

Bucket Name Low

The beginning of the range of reports to generate. Credit Snapshot is the only option currently available for this report. Select Credit Snapshot in the List of Values.

Bucket Name High

The end of the range of reports to generate. This field is automatically populated with the same value displayed in the Bucket Name Low field, which must be defined as Credit Snapshot.

Optional Parameters

Customer Name Low

The customer name for which you wish to see the credit history; top of alphabetical range for criteria.

Customer Name High

The customer name for which you wish to see the credit history; bottom of alphabetical range for criteria.

Understanding the Output

The following table describes the report output:

Section Heading

Description of Section

Customer History Section

This section displays historic information for this customer account. This information includes the amount and date of this customer's largest invoice and the highest credit limit assigned to this customer. A separate page will display for every customer location with activity.

Rolling 12-Month Summary Section

This section displays a twelve-month rolling history for this customer's account. Each row of this section provides the total amount and/or count for the last twelve months for 12 financial indicators. A separate page displays for every customer location with activity.

Credit Summary Section

This section provides summary information about the customer's current credit assignments.

Last Transaction Summary Section

This section displays a summary of each of this customer's last transaction types.

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 3/14/2007 8:39:32 AM