Report - RF Billing and Receipt History



The Research Foundation's Accounts Receivable (AR) module maintains detailed information on AR invoice history for both system-generated and advance invoices for an award and associated customer. This information includes the original AR invoice amount and date; invoice due, date cash receipts applied, invoice adjustments and remaining balances. The Research Foundation (RF) has also customized the Billing and Receipt History report to provide details of AR invoices and the activity on them, including cash receipts, adjustments, and balances due.

This report is sorted by AR Invoice Number. It can also be sorted by customer when the report is run by invoice date.


You should run this report as needed.

Responsibilities with Access

People with the following responsibilities are able to generate this report:

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report. For the RF Billing and Receipt History report, there are no required parameters:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Optional Parameters

Customer Name Low

The customer name associated with the award for which the AR invoice was generated. Top of alphabetical range for criteria

Customer Name High

The customer name associated with the award for which the AR invoice was generated. Bottom of alphabetical range for criteria

Invoice Number Low

The AR Invoice number

Invoice Number High

The AR Invoice number

Invoice Amount Low

The lower amount associated with the invoice

Invoice Amount High

The higher amount associated with the invoice

Transaction Date Low

The date associated with the invoice, starting with an earlier time frame

Transaction Date High

The date associated with the invoice, starting with the later time frame


The three-digit location code assigned to a campus (operating location). Security will limit location access.


The award associated with the invoice.

Understanding the Output

The following table describes the RF Billing and Receipt History report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column


Fields under this heading are associated with the AR Invoice.

Customer Name

The three-digit location number assigned to a campus or operating location.

Trans Number

The AR Invoice number Accounts Receivable assigns after an invoice is approved and released or the invoice number that is assigned to an advance invoice created in AR.


A unique sequential number assigned to an award. An award is the record established from the award notice or contract received from a customer. An award record contains a funding source (customer), award amounts (funds), start and end dates, terms and conditions, an associated award credit distribution record, and other information. Awards are used to fund one or more projects.

Due Date

A date based on the billing terms of the award and invoice date.

Original Amount

The amount of the original AR invoice.

Balance Due

The outstanding amount remaining on the invoice, either above or below the original invoice amount.


Action taken place against the invoice


Examples: a cash receipt application, credit memo (typically on cancelled invoices), or invoice line adjustment.


The date of the activity


Examples: credit memo, adjustment, or cash receipt.

Receipt Number

The number associated with activity on invoice. The number is assigned by the user or by the system, depending on the type of invoice:


  • Cash receipt - number assigned by user


  • Credit memo - number assigned by system


  • Invoice adjustment - number assigned by system

Credited Amount

The total amount of credit memos processed to the invoice or created when an invoice is cancelled

Adjusted Amount

The total amount of line adjustments processed to the invoice

Applied Amount

The total amount of cash receipts applied to the invoice

Receipt Amount

The amount of cash receipts applied to the invoice

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Effective Date: 3/14/2007 8:38:54 AM