Report - RF Summary and Detail Payment Register



The Research Foundation (RF) Summary and Detail Payment Register provides summary and detail information for payments created within a specified date range and can be run for a specific document type or for all document types. Totals are provided for document amount and number of documents. This monitoring report should be used to review payments made through the Accounts Payable module.


The Research Foundation (RF) central office recommends that operating locations run this report daily.

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters

Start Date

Report's beginning date.

For example: 01-JUL-2007

Payments with a Payment Date of this start date and beyond (up to End Date) will be included in the report.

End Date

Report's ending date.

For exams: 31-JUL-2007

Payments with a Payment Date up to and including this End Date will be included in the report.

Print Supplier Address?

Yes - Supplier address is included in report.
No - Supplier address is not included in report.

Defaults to Yes

Summary or Detail?

Summary - Provides high level information about the document (no invoice information).
Detail - Provides invoice information including the project, task, award and expenditure type.

Defaults to Detail

Optional Parameters

Document Type (skip for All)

Kind of payment (i.e., Check, ACH, Foreign Draft, Wire, Zero Payment)

Understanding the Output

The RF Summary & Detail Payment Register Report is sorted by location, payment document type (e.g., check, wire, foreign draft, zero payment), and document number (e.g., check number). The following tables describe the report's output.

Detail Payment Register

Column Heading

Description of Column

Payment Date

Depending on the type of payment, the date is one of the following:

  • Check - The date the check was processed
  • ACH- The date the ACH payment was processed
  • Wire Transfer - The date the wire was processed
  • Foreign Draft - The date the draft was processed
  • Zero Payment (clearing) - The date the payment was processed

The vendor's name and address appear beneath the first three columns of the detailed report.

Document Number

Number of the check or payment document.


State or condition of the payment

For example:

  • Cleared
  • Negotiable
  • Reconciled
  • Voided
  • Stop Initiated



MAIL – Mailed directly to the supplier from central office.
RETURN – Check returned to the campus for distribution to the supplier.

NYSTI – This is used by CO only and indicates checks that are returned to CO to be picked up by the New York State Theatre Institute (NYSTI).

Inv. Number / Tax Type

AP invoice number input into Oracle and Tax Type if applicable.

For example: 9477, MISC7

PO Num

Purchase order or blanket release number, if applicable.


Project number being charged for the expenditure.


Task number being charged for the expenditure.

Award Number

Award number being charged for the expenditure.

Expenditure Type

Expenditure Type selected from the List of Values,.

For example: TRV Domestic Travel

Document Amount

Individual dollar amount charged to different projects, tasks, and awards, and total dollar amount of the payment

Note: The full invoice amount is displayed under Document Amount. The payment amount is shown as the Document Total.

Summary Payment Register

Column Heading

Description of Column

Document Number

Number of the check or payment document.


MAIL – Mailed directly to the supplier from central office.
RETURN – Check returned to the campus for distribution to the supplier.

NYSTI – This is used by CO only and indicates checks that are returned to CO to be picked up by NYSTI.


State or condition of the payment.

For example:

  • Cleared
  • Negotiable
  • Reconciled
  • Voided
  • Stop Initiated


Vendor Name

Name of the payee. Address is included if selected in parameters.

Check Date

Depending on the type of payment, the date is one of the following:

  • Check - The date the check was processed
  • ACH - The date the ACH payment was processed
  • Wire Transfer - The date the wire was processed
  • Foreign Draft - The date the draft was processed
  • Zero Payment (clearing) - The date the payment was processed


Check Total

Total dollar amount of the payment.

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 6/5/2009 10:04:55 AM