RF Prepayments Status Report



The Research Foundation (RF) Prepayments Status Report provides users the ability to review unapplied and unpaid or patially paid invoices for a supplier. You can compare the invoices and prepayments for a supplier(s) to determine if there are outstanding prepayments which you can apply against unpaid invoices.


The RF's central office recommends that operating locations run this report daily.

Responsibilities with Access

People with the following responsibilities are able to generate this report:

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters

Include invoices

Yes - Include all unpaid or partially paid invoices for the supplier(s)

No - Do not include invoices

Defaults to Yes

Include Credit/Debit Memos

Yes - Includes paid Credit and debit memos for the supplier(s)

No - Do not include credit/debit memos

Defaults to Yes

Show Prepayment Distributions

Yes - Provides invoice information including the project, task, award and expenditure type

No - Provides high level information about the document (no invoice information).

Defaults to Yes

Optional Parameters

Supplier Name

Displays unapplied or partially applied prepayments for a specific supplier. User(s) have the ability to select from a List of Values which will include supplier(s) that have prepayments available.

Award Number

Displays unapplied or partially applied prepaymenst for a specific award. User(s) have the ability to select from List of Values which will include Award Number(s) that have prepayments available.

Project Number

Displays unapplied or partially applied prepyaments for a specific project. User(s)have the ability to select from List of Values which will include Project Number(s) that have prepayments available.

Understanding the Output

The table that follows describe the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Invoice Type

The type of invoice.

Invoice date

The date of the invoice.

Invoice Amount

The original amount of a prepayment, credit/debit memor or invoice. As prepayments are applied to one or more inovices, Payables reduces the prepayment amount but maintains the Original Amount for audit purposes.

Amount Remaining

The amount of a prepayment not yet applied to an invoice. If the item is a credit/debit memo or invoice, Payables prints the amount you have not yet paid on the item. Payables adds the Amount Remaining for each prepayment, credit/debit memo, or invoice to obtain the sutotal for each supplier.


If you have not paid a prepayment , Payables prints Unpaid in this column and does not include the prepayment in the subtotal for the supplier. A Prepayment cannot be applied to an invoice until prepayment is paid in full.


The description of the goods and services listed on the invoice.

Distribution Number

The number assigned to the requisition, purchase order, or AP invoice distribution. A single line item or invoice can have multiple distribution lines.


Project number being charged for the expenditure.


Award number being charged for the expenditure.


Task number being charged for the expenditure.

Expenditure Type

The category of the purchase. This is the account that is being charged.

Expenditure Org

The operating location or specific department responsible for the purchase.

Supplier Name

The name of the business or person providing goods or services.

Supplier Number

The system generated number assigned to the supplier.

Order of Report

Payables orders the report by supplier. The report provides subtotals for prepayments, credit/debit memos, and invoices. The subtotal for prepayment is displayes as a negative amount. Although the report displays all prepayments, the subtotal for prepayments only includes approved and paid prepayments since you can apply a paid prepayment only to an invoice.

Totals of Prepayments, credit/debit memos and Invoices

A positive total indicates the invoice amount outstanding for a supplier if all available prepayments are applied and all outstanding credit/debit memos are paid. A negative total indicates the prepayment or credit/debit memo amount still available, if all existing invoices are fully paid by applying available prepyaments and credit/debit memos.

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 5/18/2011 11:29:41 AM