RF Payroll Overpayment Account Charge



Displays the details of what distribution adjustments (i.e., expenditure transfers) have been made to the overpayment account.


This report should be run after every biweekly payroll in order to identify overpayment charges

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:



Required Parameters

Business Group ID

System generated. Defaults to 21.

Organization Structure

System generated. Defaults to Research Foundation of SUNY.


System generated. Defaults to 1.

Parent Organization

Operating location organization.

Pay Period

Number of the pay period for which the report will be run. Select the correct pay period from the List of Values.

Understanding the Output

The table that follows describe the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Payroll Overpayment Charging Instructions


Project Number

Overpayment account project number

Exp. Org. Name

Name of organization as specified in the Labor Schedule form

Expenditure Type

Expenditure type as specified in the Labor Schedule form

Task Number

Overpayment account task number

Award Number

Overpayment account award number


Amount posted to the overpayment account

Original Charge Instructions


Employee Name

Employee's name

Emp. No.

Employee's employee number from the People form in HR

Assign No.

Employee's assignment number from Assignment form in HR

Exp. Org. Name

Name of the organization as specified in the Labor Schedule form

Project No.

Original project number

Task No.

Original task number

Award No.

Original award number


Date the charge was posted to overpayment account

Percent %

Original distribution percent

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Effective Date: 3/18/2008 2:18:01 PM