RF Campus Security Audit Report (Campus Security Administrators Only)



The Research Foundation developed this customized security report to ensure access is controlled, accurate and to help avoid misuse. The RF Campus Security Audit report is provided as a tool for the Campus Administrator and should be used to monitor security administrator activity in the Oracle application (i.e. changes made to user access in the business applications). This report documents security changes made in the Oracle application and should be reviewed to determine if changes made were appropriate by following proper procedures. If an unauthorized change was made, campus management should be informed immediately as well as central office Information Security.


The above report is required to be reviewed daily.

Responsibilities with Access

People with the following responsibilties are able to run this report:

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:

  1. Parameter

    (click in the field to see the List of Values)

    Required Parameters

    From Location

    The location in which the data will be reported on.

    To Location

    The location in which the data will be reported on.


    Display results for specific user.

    From Date

    The date from which the data will be reported on.

    To Date

    The current date from which the data will be reported to.

Instructions to Run Report




From the applicable responsibility in the Navigator window, select Reports > Run.


Select Single Request.


Click OK to go to the Submit Request form.


Complete the following field: Name (Title of the report to be run. Select from the list of values).


The parameters form will be displayed if you select a request that requires parameter values. As required, enter the parameters.


Click OK to return to the Submit Request form.


Click Submit to go to the Requests form.


Once the report has finished running, click View Output. You will be able to view your report in PDF format.

Understanding the Output

The table that follows describe the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column


Action that was performed (i.e. update, delete, add)

Action Description

The description of what was actually updated, added or deleted (i.e. changed employee id, reset password, etc.).

Application User Name

The full name of the user account that was modified (Last Name, First Name).

Change Time

Date and Time the modification was made on the user record.

Value Before

Value before it was changed.

Value After

Value after it was changed.

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