RF Batch Print of Ad Hoc/ Certification of Salary Distribution Report



This process allows campuses to view and print Certification of Salary Distribution reports or ad hoc reports that were created for their location.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-21 requires the reporting of compensation for employees' personal services rendered during the period of performance under sponsored agreements such as Federal, Federal Flow-Through and Cost–Sharing Awards. The Research Foundation (RF) uses "after-the-fact activity records" to certify the distribution of salaries and wages.

The Certification of Salary Distribution report represents the percent of an employee's salary that was distributed or charged to the project, task and award on which the employee worked during a designated time period (i.e., effort reporting period). The Batch print process allows you to print all Certification of Salary Distribution reports or ad hoc reports created for your campus for a selected effort reporting period. Optionally, the process can be run for a single employee for a selected effort reporting period. The hard copy (printed) reports should be signed and retained as certification of the employee's personal activity, in compliance with OMB Circular A-21.

Note: The terms personal activity, Certification of Salary Distribution Report, and effort report are used interchangeably. Ad hoc reports are used to test data and cannot be used to manually certify and report personal activity.


This Batch Print process should be run immediately after the Create an Effort Report process is run for a specific effort reporting period. The output is one PDF file, with page breaks between individual reports. Reports are available in PDF format only.

Setting Report Parameters

Reports can be run individually by employee or by a batch that includes all reports created for a particular effort reporting period. The report displays:

The following table describes the required and optional parameters needed to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters

Business Group ID

Defaults to 21.

Organization Structure

Defaults to Research Foundation of SUNY.


Defaults to 1.

Parent Organization

Enter your operating location organization.

For example: 010 University Center at Albany

Reporting Period

Enter or select from the List of Values the effort reporting period for which the ad hoc or effort report was run.

Report Type

Type of report to view or print.

Select from the List of Values either A for ad hoc reports or N for effort reports. Note: Only effort reports can be certified for compliance with OMB Circular A-21.


Optional Parameters

Employee Name

Employee for whom an ad hoc or effort report was created.

If this field is not filled in, the process runs a batch based on all ad hoc or effort reports created for the indicated effort reporting period.

Understanding the Output

The report is sorted by operating location (i.e., campus), then alphabetically by project principal investigator, and then employee. The top or header text of the ad hoc or Certification of Salary Distribution report provides the information needed to identify whose activity is being reported and for what period. The following are listed:

An employee with multiple assignments or within multiple people groups will have multiple effort reports (or ad hoc reports) created.

The table that follows describes the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Employee#/ Name

System generated assignment number from the employee's assignment record. A person's assignment identifies his or her role and payroll within a Business Group. In Oracle, an assignment is entered in the People File and identifies a number of components, including the organization, people type, and the payroll for a person

Begin Date

Start date of the salary distribution pertaining to the source on the Project/Award/Task within the effort reporting period.

End Date

End date of the salary distribution pertaining to the source on the Project/Award/Task within the effort reporting period.


The items from payroll that make up the distributions of salary on a particular assignment. The item will display as one of the following:

  • Pay (i.e., regular payroll)
  • SUNY (i.e., SUNY IFR/Cost Sharing)
  • Adj (i.e., an adjustment that was processed on the particular assignment).
  • N (i.e., a pre-gen or retroactive payment).

Project Number

System generated number assigned to the project to which the employee's salary was charged.

Project Name

Abbreviated name assigned to the project when it was established in Grants.

Task Number

System generated number assigned to the task to which the employee's salary was charged.

Task Name

Name entered into the system to identify the specified task.

Task Manager

Name of the PI assigned to a particular task under a project.

Award Number

System generated number assigned to the award to which an employee's salary was charged.

Award Name

Title of the research project, usually the title from a sponsored award notice.

Note: An award with the title "NIH Salary Cap Suspense Award" is an award established to accommodate the difference in reimbursement between a National Institutes of Health (NIH) (or other sponsor imposed) salary limitation and the actual SUNY salary, since this difference cannot be considered cost sharing.

Expenditure Type

Expenditure category that was charged.

For example: SWR Exempt.

Funding Source

Sponsor of the award.

Distribution of Salary %

The distribution percentage that is calculated by totaling the salaries included in the employee's Certification of Salary Distribution reports for the covered effort reporting period and deriving the percent of the total that each item represents.

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Effective Date: 6/5/2007 11:00:57 AM