RF AP Unvalidated Invoice - Process Help (R12)



The Research Foundation (RF) AP Unvalidated Invoice report provides detailed information including the project, task and award for invoices that currently have a status of Never Validated or Needs Revalidation. The report can be run for a specific project or award. This monitoring report should be used to review current invoices with a status of Never Validated or Needs Revalidation in the Accounts Payable (AP) module.

Note: The term validated replaced approved in the upgraded business applications. Therefore, the term unvalidated means not approved and the term revalidation means an invoice needs re-approval.


The RF's central office recommends that operating locations run this report daily.

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the optional parameters needed to run the report:

  1. Parameter

    (click in the field to see the List of Values)

    Optional Parameters

    Award Number

    This displays invoices on hold for that specific award.

    Project Number

    This displays invoices on hold for that specific project.


    The operating location code.

    For central office users: You may leave this field blank to view all locations.

    Invoice Status

    This displays invoices on hold based on the invoice status:

    Never Validated

    Needs Revalidation


    *Note - you must select one of these options.

Understanding the Output

The table that follows describe the report output:

  1. Column Heading

    Description of Column

    Needs Revalidation

    The status of the AP invoice.

    Never Validated

    The status of the AP Invoice.

    Vendor Name

    The name of the supplier as it appears in the supplier file.


    The site in the supplier file entered for the invoice.

    Invoice Number

    The invoice number.

    Invoice Date

    The invoice date.

    Invoice Amount

    The total invoice amount.


    This field Indicates if the invoice is also currently on hold.

    Invoice Description

    A description of the invoice.

    PO Number

    The purchase order or blanket release number, if applicable.

    Line Number

    The AP invoice distribution line number.


    The project number being charged for the expenditure.


    The task number being charged for the expenditure.


    The award number being charged for the expenditure.

    Dist. Amount

    The dollar amount for the distribution line.


    This field indicates if the distribution line is validated. (Yes - line is validated; or No - line is not validated.)

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Effective Date: 3/23/2014 3:13:07 PM