KBACE Net Details Report



The KBACE Net Details Report includes all employees paid during the current pay period and the associated elements for those employees if they affect net pay. This report does not include imputed earnings elements as they do not affect net pay. The report is sorted by Person Name.


Run anytime after the payroll process run.

Understanding the Output

The table that follows describe the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Assignment Number

System-generated employee number used as a unique identifier of a person whose record is in Oracle.

Person Name

Last name and first name (separated by a comma) of the person that was paid.


The classification is assigned to an element when the element is created in the Oracle system


The element under which the amount was paid or deducted.

Effective Date

The date of the payroll run.

Payroll Impact

The total dollar amount of the element for the pay period selected. This amount includes the special input version of the selected element.

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 2/12/2007 10:41:06 AM