Employee Run Results Report



Displays the amount of each element processed for a person in a particular pay period.


Run this report at any time after a payroll has been run. It can be run for previous payrolls as well.

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:



Required Parameters

Start Date

Select the first day of the pay period from the List of Values. Enter in the format of DD-MMM-YYYY (e.g. 12-JAN-2007).

End Date

Select the last day of the pay period from the List of Values. Enter in the format of DD-MMM-YYYY (e.g. 12-JAN-2007).


Find the employee from the list of values.

Assignment Number

System generated when the employee name is selected.


Select The Research Foundation of SUNY from the List of Values.


Select the name of the classification for which you would like to view from the List of Values (e.g., earnings, imputed income, supplemental earnings).

Understanding the Output

The following table describe the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Full Name

The employee's name.

GRE Name

This should be The Research Foundation of SUNY.

Classification Name

The name of the classification selected from the report parameters (e.g., earnings, imputed income, supplemental earnings).

Element Category

The employee's category (e.g., regular, graduate, undergraduate or summer).

Assignment Number

The employee's assignment number.

Assignment Action ID

This is an auto generated code that is created when the report is run.

Element Name

This is the element name that was selected in the Classification field in the parameters.

Effective Date

The begin date of the pay period.

Result Value

The amount of the element specified.

Input Name

This defines the Result Value and is auto generated based on the element selected.

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 1/25/2007 3:18:01 PM