Run RF AAP Title Changes Report

Use these instructions to run the RF AAP Potential Promotions Report for your campus location.

To run a potential promotions report

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the process.

  1. Perform this procedure when you need Research Foundation (RF) information on employees who have had a change in title and salary during a specific period of time in order to complete your campus Affirmative Action Plan. (If the appointment had a change in title, and the Oracle salary form has indicated the salary change reason(s) of Promotion, In-Grade Promotion, Across the Board & Promotion, or Across the Board & In-Grade Promotion, the title changes on this report should be reviewed for promotions to incorporate on the campus Afirmative Action Plan).
  2. Navigate to Process and Reports > Submit New Request to display the Submit a New Request form.
  3. Select the Single Request option and click OK. The Submit Request form displays.
  4. Complete the following field:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Request Name


    Title of the report. Use the List of Values to select RF AAP Title Changes Report.

    This report is available to be run and viewed in Excel format.

  5. The Parameters form displays. Complete the required fields as prompted.
  6. Click OK to return to the Submit Request form. The fields in the Run this Request portion of the form are populated with the criteria specified in the Parameters form.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. The Requests form displays, listing your current report request along with all other report requests you have submitted from any Oracle module. Submitted requests are queued and processed in the order in which they are received. Completed requests remain listed for an average of about a week.
  9. An ID number is automatically assigned to each request submitted. The status of your requested report(s) is indicated using color coding in the Phase and Status fields.
  10. Click Refresh Data until the Phase field displays the request as Completed.
  11. If you need to run another report, click Submit a New Request to re-display the Submit a New Request form. Go to step 3.
  12. If you want to view the output of a completed request, click View Output.
  13. If you need to return to the Request form to check the status of submitted requests, refer to the View a Request process help document.
  14. View and/or print the report using the standard browser menu options. To close the report and exit the viewing window, select File > Close in the browser menu.
  15. Exit this procedure by selecting File > Close Form.