Report - RF Property Direct Payment Invoices-Adjustments



The Research Foundation (RF) Property Direct Payment Invoices/Adjustments Report was developed to assist campuses in monitoring and reconciling equipment purchases for inventory tracking. The report identifies direct invoice payments and invoice adjustments made to expenditure types, "equipment" and "supplies below threshold equipment" with an "approved status" and a payment date posted in the RF business applications accounts payable (AP) system. These are payments and adjustments not processed against a purchase order in the AP system. Refer to the RF Property Purchase Order Reconciliation Report" for invoice payments and invoice adjustments processed against a purchase order number in the AP system.

If an award has multiple projects that are being conducted at more than one campus location, the report will also include a separate listing of expenditures for the other campus locations for informational purposes. For example, if the University at Albany has an award and the project is also at Stony Brook University, University at Albany's report will include equipment expenditures for Albany and it will also include a separate list of equipment expenditures that occurred for the project at Stony Brook University. The project at Stony Brook University will also appear on Stony Brook's report and Stony Brook is responsible for reconciling the item.


Report should be run monthly. The data on the report is updated daily if campuses would like to review the report more frequently.

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required parameter to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters

Organization Name

Type in the three digit campus location code.

For example, 010 University at Albany

Understanding the Output

The table that follows describe the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Award Number

Award number for the award being charged for the expenditure.

Project Number

Project number for the project being charged for the expenditure.

Prop Title

Property title code for the award. The code identifies ownership of equipment

Invoice Number

AP invoice number

Payment Date

Date payment was made to the supplier.

Supplier Name

Name of the vendor or person supplying the goods or services. Limited to 10 characters


The description field is campus specific. It may briefly describe the goods or services or it may be an additional payment reference field. Limited to 10 characters

Invoice Dist Amount

The amount of the payment or adjustment made to the "equipAward Typement" or "supply below threshold equipment" expenditure types for the specified invoice.

Invoice Amount

Total dollar amount invoiced by the supplier.


Number of days invoice has aged from payment date to report run date.

Award Type

Identifies type of funds as

N - nonfederal, Nonsponsored, Foreign, or Cost Sharing

F - Federal or Federal Flow Through

The single digit code is only used in the Property Control System (PCS). The text description is used in the RE business applications.

Award Purpose

Identifies the type of activity for which the award was established or basis for establishing the award. The two digit code is only used in the Property Control System (PCS). The text description is used in the RF business applications.

Two digit codes are as follows:

AI - Affiliated Income
BA - Balance
CR - Campus Royalties
CG - Category Refund
CA - Central Office Administration
CP - Clinical Practice Plans
CL - Clinical Trials
CF - Conference
CT - Contract
CO - Cooperative Agreement
GL - Corporate GL Holding
RC - Corporate reserve
SA - Cost Sharing
CC - Gift Cash Corporate Restricted
CN - Gift Cash Non Program Support
GC - Gift Cash Program Support
NC - Gift Non Cash Corp Restricted
NN - Gift Non Cash Non Prog Support
NP - Gift Non Cash Program Support
GR - Grant
IA - Interest Award
IP - Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignment Agreement
MS - Miscellaneous Support
NI - Nonsponsored Income
OC - Other Agency
OI - Other Institutional Activity
PO - Payroll Overpayment
PG - Planned Giving CGA
PC - Planned Giving Clearing
RI - Program Income Restricted
UI - Program Income Unrestricted
PN - Program Support Non Cash
RS - Refund to Sponsors
FR - RF Funded Restricted
RF - RF Funded Revenue
SF - Service and Facility
SS - Staffing Services
SC - Subcontract
SG - Subgrant
SA - Suspense Account

Grand Totals Page

The grand totals page summarizes the invoice distribution amount by operating location and by number of days the payment has aged.

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 4/10/2007 2:07:28 PM