RF Outstanding Check Register(XML)



The Research Foundation (RF) developed the customized Outstanding Check Register report to provide a version of the Outstanding Check Register that could be exported easily to Excel. You should use this report to monitor uncashed checks that were processed through the Accounts Payable (AP) module. The register lists all negotiable (not cashed) checks by operating location. The Research Foundation's (RF) central office runs the report by state for reporting abandoned property (e.g., uncashed checks) to each state as required by the abandoned property laws in that state.


You should run this report quarterly.

Setting Report Parameters

The following table describes the required and optional parameters to use to run the report:


(click in the field to see the List of Values)

Required Parameters

Bank Name

The default is the Key Bank of New York. Do not change this option.

Bank Account

The default is the Supplier Account. Do not change this option.


The default is the Location. Campus users should use the default value. Central office staff uses other values, e.g., All and State, when reporting abandoned property to individual states.

Date Range From

The beginning date of the checks to be reviewed. The earliest date you can enter is 01-JAN-01, the "go live" date for the Research Foundation's Oracle applications. Legacy system check information is not in Oracle.

Date Range To

The ending date of the checks to be reviewed. The earliest date you can enter is 01-JAN-01, the "go live" date for the Research Foundation's Oracle applications. Legacy system check information is not in Oracle.

Optional Parameters


The state name on the address of the check. Central office uses this for reporting abandoned property to individual states.


The operating location. Campus users are only allowed to enter their own location in this field. Central office uses this to retrieve lists of checks made out of the General Ledger accounts.

Setting Report Completion Options to Export Output into Excel

A xml report may be submitted with the format of the output set to excel. Then opened in a spreadsheet application.




From the applicable responsibility in the Navigator window, select Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Requests to go to the Submit a New Request form.


Select Single Request.


Click OK to go to the Submit Request form.


Complete the following field: Name (Title (name) of the report to be run. Select from the List of Values.)


The Parameters form will be displayed if you select a request that requires parameter values. As required, enter the parameters.


Click OK to return to the Submit Request form.


Click Completion Options to return the Upon Completion Options form. Change the Format to Excel (Select from the List of Values).


Click OK to go to the Submit Request form.


You have successfully exported the data into Excel.

You can now adjust and manipulate the data. Some column widths may need to be increased for the data to be fully displayed.

Select File > Save As to name the file and save it with the spreadsheet extension.


Click Submit to go to the Requests form. Submitted requests are queued and run in the order in which they are received. Your current request may appear in a list of all of your requests in the Requests form.


Click Refresh Data until the Phase field displays Completed.



Click View Output. You will then be prompted to either save or open the report in excel.

Understanding the Output

The table that follows describes the report output:

Column Heading

Description of Column

Check #

The number of the check that wasn't cashed.

Check Date

The date the check was run from the AP module.


The person or entity that the check was made out to, e.g., the supplier.

Address Line1

Line1 of the street address


Note: If a site name changed, the information in this field will state: "Supplier Address May Have Changed. Verify in Supplier File." In this case you will need to review the address information in the Supplier File for that supplier and select the appropriate address.

Address Line2

Line2 of the street address

Address Line3

Line3 of the street address






Zip Code


The dollar amount of the uncashed check.

Helpful Tips

Effective Date: 2/14/2008 1:41:15 PM