Validate AP Invoices - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to validate accounts payables (AP) invoices through the Invoice Validation process.

To manually validate invoices, click Actions…1 and click Validate.

To validate more than one invoice at a time, highlight multiple lines by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking on lines. For example, if you select four lines it will say Actions…4.


  1. Unvalidated invoices must exist in the business applications.

To Validate AP Invoices

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process. A Yellow field indicates a required entry.

  1. Select Processes and Reports: Submit Requests.
  2. Select Single Request.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Complete the following field:
  1. Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Request Name


    The title of the request is “Invoice Validation”.

    1. The Parameters form will open.
    2. As required, complete the following fields:
  2. Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Operating Unit


    Auto-populated field of operating unit: The Research Foundation for SUNY.



    Choose from a list of values. Choose to process All or New matching lines.

    Invoice Batch Name


    This field is NOT used by the Research Foundation.

    From Invoice Date


    The beginning invoice date to be validated.

    To Invoice Date


    The ending invoice date to be validated.

    Supplier Name


    The name of the supplier on the invoice to be validated.

    Pay Group


    The pay group of invoices to be validated.

    Invoice Number


    The number you used to identify the invoice.

    Entered by


    The Oracle username of the person who entered the invoice, begins with location code.

    Maximum Invoice Count


    Maximum number of invoices to be returned.

    Debug Switch


    This field defaults to NO.

    1. Click OK.
    2. The Submit Request form will open.
    3. The fields in the Run this Request... region will be filled in.
    4. Click Submit.
    5. The Requests form will open.
  3. Note: You submitted a request to Oracle's concurrent manager. All Oracle modules use the same report manager at the same time. Submitted requests are queued and run in the order in which they are received. Your current request may appear in a list of all of your requests in the Requests form.
    1. Click Refresh Data until the Phase field displays completed.
  4. Note: The time it takes to complete a request depends on Oracle activity at all operating locations. You may select File > Close Form to exit from this form while the process is running. When you are ready to return and view the report, select Processes and Reports: View Requests.
    1. Click View Output.
    2. An Internet browser window will open so that you can view the number of holds that were placed, the hold name and the number of holds released during the process.
  5. Note: Run the "RF Invoices on Hold Report" to monitor invoices that were placed on hold by the system. Run the "RF AP Unvalidated Invoice Report" to monitor invoices that are still unvalidated in the system.
    1. Select File > Close to close the Internet browser window and return to the business applications.
    2. Select File > Close Form to go back to the Navigator.