Use this procedure to update an existing Income Fund Reimbursement (IFR) or Cost Sharing record in the HR module of the Oracle Application. Perform this process when you have received a SUNY IFR / Cost Sharing Appointment /Change form, which indicates any of the following circumstances:
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Effective Date |
R |
Date for which the record is effective. Enter the person's original hire date. |
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Full Name |
O |
Last name of the person whose record needs to be updated. The last name search narrows choices for selection. |
Employee Number |
O |
System-generated number of the person whose record needs to be updated. |
Social security |
O |
A nine-digit, unique personal identification number (SSN) issued by the U.S. Social Security Administration. |
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Effective Date |
R |
Beginning date of the new annual SUNY commitment or the date of the new SUNY salary. |
Today's Date |
R |
Current date |
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Annual Salary |
O |
Person's annual salary. |
Beg Date of Yr of Appt |
O |
The beginning date of the annual SUNY commitment. The start date should reflect either a calendar year (i.e., 12 months) or an academic year. Do not enter the IFR or cost sharing appointment start date in this field. |
End Date of Yr of Appt |
O |
The end date of the annual SUNY commitment. The end date should reflect either a calendar year (i.e., 12 months) or an academic year. Do not enter the IFR or cost sharing appointment start date in this field. |
Retro Required |
O |
Whether or not retroactive earnings must be system generated. Select Yes or No from the List of Values. If retro is required, ensure you are date tracked when the retro period begins. |
Note: If retro is required, ensure that you are date tracked to the date when the retro period begins (e.g. if you want retro earnings calculated from 17-JAN-06, then you must be date tracked to that date.
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Retro Begin Date |
R |
Date from which the retro calculation of earnings should begin. Select from the calendar List of Values. |
Retro End Date |
R |
Date that the retro calculation of earnings should end. This date should be the last day of the month prior to the current payroll period. Select from the calendar List of Values. If retro is required, ensure you are date tracked when the retro period begins. |
Note: The retro begin date cannot be prior to the date entered into the Begin Date of Yr of Appt field. Retro calculations cannot predate earnings. System-calculated retro earnings cannot be reviewed until after the daily SUNY payroll retro process takes place.
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Effective Date |
R |
Begin date of the IFR/cost sharing appointment. |
Today's Date |
R |
Current date |
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Annual Salary |
O |
Person's annual salary. |
Beg Date of Yr of Appt |
O |
The beginning date of the SUNY commitment. The start date should reflect either a calendar year (i.e., 12 months) or an academic year. Do not enter the IFR or cost sharing appointment start date in this field. |
End Date of Yr of Appt |
O |
The end date of the annual SUNY commitment. The end date should reflect either a calendar year (i.e., 12 months) or an academic year. Do not enter the IFR or cost sharing appointment start date in this field. |
Retro Required |
O |
Whether or not retroactive earnings must be system generated. Select Yes or No from the List of Values. If retro is required, ensure you are date tracked when the retro period begins. For a totally retroactive appointment, enter No. |
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Effective Date |
R |
Date within the current SUNY payroll that has not yet been processed. |
Today's Date |
R |
Current date |
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Amount |
R |
Manually calculated retro SUNY earnings. |
Begin Date |
O |
Beginning date of the manually calculated retro SUNY earnings. This provides information only. It is not used in the processing of the retro earnings. |
End Date |
O |
End date of the manually calculated retro SUNY earnings. This provides information only. It is not used in the processing of the retro earnings. The end date should not be later than the last day of the previous payroll month that ran. |
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Effective Date |
R |
Date within the current SUNY payroll that has not yet been processed. |
Today's Date |
R |
Current date |
Field Name |
Required (R) or Optional (O) |
Description |
Amount |
R |
Manually calculated retro SUNY earnings. |
Begin Date |
O |
Beginning date of the manually calculated retro SUNY earnings. |
End Date |
O |
End date of the manually calculated retro SUNY earnings. The end date should not be later than the last day of the previous payroll month that ran. |