Run Quick Pay - Process Help (R12)

Use this procedure to process an off week payroll check for an employee or to test changes to an assignment record prior to the regular payroll run.

To run Quick Pay

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Navigate to People > Enter and Maintain to go to the Decision form.
  2. If the current date is not the date of the effective date for which the Quick Pay will be processed, click Yes to go to the Alter Effective Date form and from the calendar List of Values, select the Effective Date of the change. Click OK to go to the Find Person form.
  3. If the current date is the effective date for which the Quick Pay will be processed, click No to go to the Find Person form.
  4. Complete one of the following Find Person form fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Full Name


    Person's last name.

    Social Security


    Person's social security number.



    Select from the List of Values:

    Contingent Worker




    Employee Number


    Person's ID Number.

  5. Click the Find button to go to the People form.
  6. Click the Assignment button to go to the Assignment form.
  7. Click the Others... button to go to the Navigation Options form.
  8. Select Quick Pay from the list of navigation options.
  9. Click OK to go to the Quick Pay form.
  10. Complete the following fields:

    Note: the Number field remains blank and the Status field remains set to Unprocessed until Quick Pay processing ends.

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Date Paid


    Date of quick pay check.



    Auto generated. Displays the period in which the effective date falls.

    Consolidation Set


    Auto generated. Will fill in with:


    Separate Check Consolidation

    The Research Foundation of SUNY

    Date Earned


    Date payment should have been received.

    When using the quick pay to test a record, the earned date should be the same as the paid date.

    Run Type


    Select Regular from the List of Values.



    Auto generated. Field remains set to Unprocessed until Quick Pay processing ends..



    Will remain blank.



    Not required



    Not Required

  11. Select File > Save.
  12. Click the Start Run button to run the Quick Pay process.
  13. To retry a quick pay run, click the Retry button to run the process again.
  14. After process is complete, click the View Results button to go to the View Results form.
  15. Select SOE Report.
  16. Click OK to go to the Employee Statement of Earnings form.
  17. Ensure that the quick pay calculated correctly.
  18. If you need to delete the quick pay run, select Edit > Delete Record then File > Save.
  19. If the quick pay needs to process during the off week payroll run, select File > Close Form.