Print a Purchase Order - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to print one or more purchase orders (POs) from the business applications.


  1. A PO must exist in the business applications.
  2. Adobe's Acrobat Reader software must be installed on your computer.
  3. Your computer must be connected to a printer.

To Print a Purchase Order

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Select Reports > Run to open the Submit a New Request form.
  2. Select Single Request.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Enter the following fields on the Submit Request form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Run this Request... Region

    Request Name


    The title of the request that will display one or more purchase orders to print. Select RF Print Purchase Order from the List of Values.

  5. Click OK and the Parameters form will open.
  6. Enter the following fields on the Parameters form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Print Selection


    This defines which items will be included in the output file that you will print.

    • Select All to print all purchase orders (POs).
    • Select New to print only those POs that were newly created since the last time this process was run. This does not include modified POs.
    • Select Changed to print POs modified since the last time this process was run.




    The name of the buyer on the purchase order. Select from the current List of Values.

    Purchase Order Numbers From


    The beginning range of the number of the purchase order you need to print.

    This is a required field if your print selection is All.



    The ending range of the number of the purchase order you need to print.

    This is a required field if your print selection is All.

    Release Numbers From


    The beginning range of the release numbers you need to print.

    If you leave this field blank all releases will print.



    The ending range of the release numbers you need to print.

    If you leave this field blank all releases will print.

    Release Dated From


    The beginning range of release date.

    If you leave this field blank all releases will print.



    The ending range of release date.

    If you leave this field blank all releases will print.



    The purchase order status.

    This field defaults to Yes to print only approved purchase orders.

    Select No to print purchase orders that have not been approved.


    Blanket Print Style


    This field defines what information will print, and is used to print blanket purchase projections and/or blanket releases.

    The print options are:

    All: Prints both blanket purchase projections and blanket releases.

    Blanket Only: Prints only blanket purchase projections.

    Release Only: Prints only blanket releases associated with the blanket purchase projections.


  7. Click OK to return to the Submit Request form.
  8. Click Submit to open the Requests form.

    Note: You submitted a request to Oracle's concurrent manager. All Oracle modules use the same report manager at the same time (concurrently). Submitted requests are queued and run in the order in which they are received. Your current request will appear in a list of all your requests in the Requests form.

  9. Click Refresh Data until the Phase field displays completed.

    Note: The phase and status of your request are shaded with the following colors:

  10. Click View Output to view the PO(s).

    Note: Adobe Acrobat will open to display the PO as a PDF file.

  11. To print the PO, select File > Print from the menu bar at the top of the window.


  12. Click OK to print the PO(s).
  13. Select File > Close to close the PDF window and return to the Requests form.