Enter or Update an Employee Labor Schedule - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to distribute an employee’s labor charges.


  1. Perform this procedure when you need to add or change Project, Task, Award, Organization, and/or Expenditure Type (i.e., PTAEO) charge values to an employee’s labor schedule.
  2. The employee must exist in the HR module of Oracle (i.e., the People form).
  3. The project, task, and award must be set up in Oracle (i.e., Grants Management).
  4. If the person has multiple assignments, you must know which assignment to schedule (e.g., know the assignment number).

To enter or update an employee's labor schedule

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Select Labor Schedule to open the Laboring Scheduling form.
  2. Press the F11 key to enter the following fields:
  1. Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Full Name


    Last name of the employee.

    The last name search narrows choices for selection.

    Employee No.


    System generated number of the employee.

    1. Press the Ctrl and F11 keys to retrieve the information.
      • Select View > Find to go to the Find Employees form if the information entered into the fields does not produce a result. The employee must be set up in the Human Resource (HR) module before a labor schedule can be created.
      • A check in the Distribution Instructions area of the Laboring Scheduling form indicates if an assignment level schedule and/or element level schedule was entered for an assignment. (Element Group is not used.)
    2. Click on the Assignment No. of the assignment you need to schedule or update and click Schedule Lines.
    3. Enter a new labor schedule when no labor schedule exists. Click Schedule Lines to go to the Decision form. Click Yes to go to the Schedule Lines form.
    4. Create an element or assignment level labor schedule by selecting the appropriate button in the Schedule Hierarchy region. For Element Type, click the field to the right to select from the List of Values after you have selected Element Type.
  2. NOTE: An assignment level schedule will distribute ALL charges to the PTAEO of the assignment. An element level schedule will distribute charges only to the selected element
    1. Select File>Save
    2. Complete the following fields using the horizontal scroll bar under the fields:
  3. Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    Enter the project number from the List of Values.



    Enter the task number from the List of Values.



    Click on the List of Values (...) to system generate the award number.



    Number and name of the organization on the award. Select from the List of Values.

    Exp Type


    Expenditure type. Select from the List of Values.

    Available expenditure types come from the project, task, and award set up in Grants Management. If the expenditure type you need is not in the List of Values, check the award set up in Grants.

    [ ]


    This flexfield is used for the SUNY COA number (SUNY Assignments only).


    Start Date


    Date this schedule begins.

    Start date of a schedule line must be greater than the last payroll process date. Select from the calendar List of Values and click OK.

    End Date


    Date this schedule ends. Select from the List of Values and click OK.



    Percent of employee’s salary to be distributed to this PTAEO.

    1. Click Refresh Display to display the distribution amounts. Review the Totals field(s) to ensure that each period has 100 percent allocated. Review the Default Account field(s) to ensure that each period has 0.00 going to the suspense account (i.e., Default Account).
    2. Select File>Save.
    3. Click on the X icon on the top right of the screen. Select No on the Save form (provided you have selected File > Save before) to go to the Labor Scheduling form or go to Step 8 to create or update another labor schedule for the same employee.
    1. Select File> Close Form.