Enter an Element for PTO - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to enter accrual elements to an eligible employee’s record.

To enter an element for Paid Time Off (PTO)

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Perform this procedure before leave usage is entered.
  2. Navigate to People > Enter and Maintain to go to the Decision form.
  3. If the start date of the action is the current date, click No to go to the Find Person form. Go to step 5.
  4. If the start date is not the current date, click Yes to go to the alter Effective Date form
    1. Complete the following fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Effective Date


    The new employee’s hire date, the date a current employee becomes eligible for accruals, the date an employee transfers from another location, the date an employee changes from exempt to nonexempt or from nonexempt to exempt, or the date a nonexempt employee’s standard workweek changes.

    Today's Date


    Current date

    1. Click OK to go to the Find Person form.
  5. Complete one of the following Find Person form fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Full Name


    Person's last name.

    Social Security


    Person's social security number.



    Select from the List of Values:

    Contingent Worker




    Employee Number


    Person's ID Number.

  6. Click Find to go to the People form.
  7. Click Assignment to go to the Assignment form. Note: Leave accrual elements should be entered from the employee's primary assignment form. Select from the Assignment Number field.
  8. Click Entries to go to the Element Entries form.
  9. Click in the Element Name field on the next available element entry line. If no element entry lines are available, select File > New to open a new line or click the New icon on the tool bar.
  10. Select from the Elements List of Values (...). Leave accrual elements displayed are based on the Assignment Category field of the employee's Assignment form. Verify that this field is correct if you don't see the element you need. Entering PTO% in Find field will result in quicker data retrieval.
  11. If you need to add an element that will allow:
    1. An exempt employee to accrue sick leave, vacation leave, or receive a floating holiday, select from:
      1. PTO Sick Ex
      2. PTO Vacation EX
      3. PTO Holiday Plan EX
    2. A nonexempt employee with a 37 1/2 hour work week to add personal leave, sick leave, vacation leave, or receive a floating holiday, select from:
      1. PTO Personal NEX 37 Half
      2. PTO Sick NEX 37 Half
      3. PTO Vacation NEX 37 Half
      4. PTO Holiday NEX 37 Half
    3. A nonexempt employee with a 40 hour work week to add personal leave, sick leave, vacation leave, or receive a floating holiday, select from:
      1. PTO Personal NEX 40 Half
      2. PTO Sick NEX 40 Half
      3. PTO Vacation NEX 40 Half
      4. PTO Holiday NEX 40 Half
  12. Click OK to go back to the Element Entries form.
    1. If the accrual date is the same date as in the Date First Hired field (Benefits Tab) of the People form, select File > Save.
    2. If the accrual date is different from the date in the Date First Hired field (Benefits Tab) of the People form, click Entry Values to go to the Entry Values form.
      1. Complete the following Entry Values form field:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Continuous Service Date


    Employee's accrual start date.

    This date determines the rate at which the employee accrues leave based on service with the Research Foundation or immediate prior SUNY service.

    1. Close the Entry Values form by selecting the X icon in the upper right of the form.
  13. If you need to enter another element for this employee, go back to step 10.