Enter an Additional Job to an Employee's Record - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to enter an additional earnings element (i.e., an additional job) to a person’s assignment.


  1. The employee must already have an active assignment.
  2. Perform this procedure when a current employee is appointed to an additional job (not an additional assignment) that has a separate earnings rate and/or separate job title and/or separate supervisor.

To enter an additional assignment

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Navigate to People > Enter and Maintain to go to the Decision form and perform one of the following:
    1. If you need to change the current effective date, click Yes to go to the Alter Effective Date form.
      1. Complete the following fields:

        Field Name

        Required (R) or Optional (O)


        Effective Date


        Date additional job is effective.

        Today's Date


        System generated. Current date

    1. Click OK to go to the Find Person form.
    2. If you do not need to change the effective date of the change and use the current date, click No to go to the Find Person form.
  2. Complete any of the following Find Person form fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Full Name


    Person’s last name

    The last name search will narrow choices for selection

    Employee Number


    Person’s employee number

    Social Security


    A nine-digit, unique personal identification number issued by the U.S. Social Security Administration. This field may be required if the contact is a dependent or beneficiary to the person's benefit.

  3. Click Find to go to the People form.
  4. Click Assignment to go to the Assignment form.
  5. Click the [ ] field located at the bottom right of the window to go to the Additional Assignment Details form. This form and the Assignment Group determine the person’s benefit eligibility. This form does NOT affect a person’s compensation.
  6. As required, complete the following field:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    Full-time equivalent; a salaried person’s expected effort on an assignment.

    When entering an additional job, ensure that the FTE includes the total effort of all jobs, including the additional job being entered.

    The maximum value for the FTE field is 1.0.

  7. Click OK to go back to the Assignment form.
  8. Select File > Save.
  9. Click Entries to go to the Element Entries form.
  10. Click in the Element Name field of the next available element entry line. If no element entry lines are available, select File > New to open a new line.
  11. Select the name of the additional recurring earning element from the List of Values.
    1. If a salaried employee’s initial earnings element is Reg Salary One, an additional job could be Reg Salary Two, Period Salary Two or Extra Service RF.
    2. The elements Reg Wages One, Reg Wages Two, etc., store the rate for an hourly job (i.e., they do not create the pay for every period). For a salaried person to receive pay for an additional hourly job, hours for the additional job must be entered in the Grants module
    3. If adding the element Reg Wages Two or Reg Wages Three you should also enter the Hourly Encumbering element and the encumbrance entry value for that element.
  12. Click OK to go back to the Element Entries form.
  13. Click Entry Values to go to the Entry Values form for the element you've just chosen.
  14. As required, complete the following fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    Hourly rate of pay for additional job

    Used for Reg Wages elements. When entering hours to be paid, you must reference this element for correct rate information.

    Annual Salary


    Annual rate of pay for additional job

    Used for all elements.

    Period Salary


    Periodic rate of pay for additional job

    Used for Extra Service and fixed biweekly amounts.

    Job [Name] and Grade


    Title and pay grade of the additional job

    Choose from the List of Values.



    Organization of the additional job.

    Choose from the List of Values.



    Supervisor of the additional job.

    Choose from the List of Values.

    Retro Required


    Defaults to No. If retro is required, select Yes from the List of Values.

    Retro Begin Date


    Begin date of retro period.

    Retro End Date


    End date of retro period.

    Further Entry Information


    Work Region of the additional job.

    Choose from the List of Values.

  15. Select File > Save.
  16. Select File > Close Form.