Enter an AP Invoice Matched to a PO - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to to enter an accounts payable (AP) invoice that needs to be matched to a purchase order.


  1. The supplier must exist in the business applications.
  2. A purchase order must exist in the business applications to enter matched invoices.

To Enter an AP Invoice Matched to a PO

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Select Invoices: Entry > Invoices to open the Invoices form.
  2. Enter the following fields on the Invoices form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Operating Unit


    Auto-populated field of operating unit: The Research Foundation for SUNY.



    The type of invoice. Select from a List of Values.



    The name of the business or individual providing goods or services. This field can be updated only if the invoice is unpaid and unposted. You can adjust this field if the invoice is not validated or if the invoice is not matched to a purchase order.

    PO Number


    Purchase order number to be paid.

    Supplier Num


    The number assigned to the supplier. Select from a List of Values.



    A unique name identifying the supplier's address or site.

    Invoice Date


    The date of the invoice. Select from the calendar List of Values.

    Invoice Num


    A unique, supplier-supplied number on the invoice. Duplicate invoice numbers from the same supplier site can't be entered.

    Invoice Amount


    The full amount on the invoice, including tax, freight and miscellaneous charges. If you're creating a zero clearing invoice, enter a zero amount. For example: 0.00.



    The description of the goods and services listed on the invoice.

    The description appears on the check stub so you should input the purchase order (PO) number in this field for invoices associated with a PO.

    Pay Alone


    If the invoice needs to be paid with its own payment document, not including other invoices for the supplier, check the box.


    Payment Method


    The method by which the invoice is paid. Select the correct pay period from the List of Values.

    For Example: BOA, Check, Clearing, Electronic, Foreign Draft, or Wire.

    This field defaults to information from the supplier file but may be changed if necessary. You must enter Clearing if you're creating a zero invoice.

    Pay Group


    The pay group defines the check batch. Select from a List of Values:

    BOA Credit Card

    BOA Vendor ACH

    Mail from Central Office: Central office (CO) mails the check to the supplier.

    Return to Campus: CO mails the check to the campus.

    This field can't be updated if the invoice is paid.



    The payment terms for the supplier.

    For example: Net 30

    You should choose Immediate in this field if an overnight check is needed. Also, to comply with federal requirements, Immediate is automatically entered if the award is a letter of credit. Otherwise, this field defaults to information from the supplier file but may be changed if necessary.

    Note: A warning message will be displayed for suppliers classified as Non-Citizen Individual at the "Supplier" and "Supplier Num"

    fields to remind users to enter 1042-S values.

Matching a PO using the Match button functionality

  1. Click the Match button.
  2. Enter the following fields on the Find Purchase Orders for Matching form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Purchase Order Num


    The purchase order number will automatically flood in.



    The blanket release number, if applicable.

  3. Click the Find button.
  4. Enter the following fields on the Match to Purchase Orders form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    Check the box of the corresponding line that you want to match.

    Qty Invoiced


    You can change this quantity to the quantity you would like to match the purchase order.

    Unit Price


    The price of the item requested. If an amount-based line item, this field defaults to 1 and can't be changed.

    Match Amount


    This number automatically floods in (Qty x Price).

  5. Click the Match button.
  1. Note: If the PO has multiple distributions, a Decision box will appear stating: This document has multiple distributions. Unless you match to specific distributions, Payables will prorate your match across all available distribution lines. Choose Match to Shipment to proceed with the proration. Choose Cancel to cancel the proration so you can manually match to specific distributions.
  1. If the PO has multiple distribution lines:
    1. Click the Distribute… button.
    2. Enter the following fields on the Match to Purchase Order Distributions form:

      Field Name

      Required (R) or Optional (O)




      Check the box of the corresponding line that you want to match.

      Qty Invoiced


      You can change this quantity to the quantity you would like to match the purchase order.

      Unit Price


      The price of the item requested. If an amount-based line item, this field defaults to 1 and can't be changed.

      Match Amount


      This number automatically floods in (Qty x Price).

    3. Click the Match button
    4. Select File > Close Form to exit the Match to Purchase Orders form.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click the Actions...1 button
  4. Check the Validate check box and click OK.
  1. Note: If the sum of the distributions doesn't equal the invoice total, the invoice will be put on hold during invoice validation.

Matching a PO using Lines functionality

To match the PO using the Lines functions. Complete Invoice information as previously indicated. (initial steps 1-3)

  1. Click on Lines Tab.

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    Enter amount to be paid.

    PO Line


    Purchase order line.

    PO Shipment


    Purchase order Shipment line.

    PO Distribution


    Purchase Order Distribution line.

  1. Note: A warning message will be displayed for suppliers classified as Non-Citizen Individual at the "Supplier" and "Supplier Num" fields to remind users to enter1042-S values. When the Supplier Type is Non Citizen-Individual you MUST enter the DFF at the Invoice Lines Level before proceeding to Distributions or Actions.

    1. Click the Oracle descriptive flexfield (DFF) [ ] to open the Invoice Lines DFF form.
    2. Enter the following fields on the Invoice Lines DFF form:

      Field Name

      Required (R) or Optional (O)


      1042-S Tax Type


      Indication of the type of entity. Note: This field will be required if supplier classification is coded as Non-Citizen-Individual.

      1042-S Tax Type


      Rule associated with Payment. Note: This field will be required if the supplier classification is coded as Non-Citizen-Individual.

    3. Click the Actions...1 button.
    4. Check the Validate check box and click OK.

Matching a PO using Quick Match

Note: If the amount to be paid matches the PO for the exact amount, Quick Match option can be selected. Complete the invoice information as previously indicated (initial steps 1-3).

  1. Click Quick Match button.
  2. Click the Save button.
  3. Click Actions...1
  4. Check the Validation check box and click OK.