Enter a Recurring Element to Enroll a Fellow in a Benefits Plan

Use these instructions to to enter an element that will be recurring from pay period to pay period (i.e., active until end dated) for the purpose of enrolling a fellow in a benefits plan.


To enter a recurring element to enroll a fellow in a benefits plan

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. When making changes to a record in the Oracle Application, click Update to keep a history of the change or click Correction to fix an entry made in error.
  2. Navigate to People > Enter and Maintain to go to the Decision form.
    1. If the current effective date is not the coverage start date for the benefit you are adding, click Yes to go to the Alter Effective Date form.
      1. Complete the Effective Date fields:

        Field Name

        Required (R) or Optional (O)


        Effective Date


        Date for which the record is effective. Enter the person's original hire date.

        Today's Date


        Current date

      2. Click OK to go to the Find Person form.
    2. If the current effective date is the person's original date of the change, click No to go to the Find Person form.
  3. Complete any of the following fields in the Find Person form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Full Name


    Fellow's last name

    The last name search will narrow choices for selection

    Social Security


    Fellow's Social Security Number (SSN).

    Employee Number


    Fellow's employee number

  4. Click Find to go to the People form.
  5. Click Assignment to go to the Assignment form.
  6. Click Entries to go to the Element Entries form.
  7. Click in the Element Name field of the next available element entry line. If no element entry lines are available, select File > New Record to open a new line.
  8. Ensure that the current Effective Date is the fellow's start date of the benefit (element) you are about to enter. Alter the current date if necessary, by selecting Special > Alter Effective Date... as in step 2A.
  9. Complete the following fields by selecting from the List of Values.

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Element Name


    Benefit name available to the fellow.

    For example: H Fellow Health

    Only one element may be added per line.



    Reason the element is being added.

  10. Click Entry Values to go to the Entry Values form.
  11. Complete the following fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    Identifies the extent of insurance to be provided.

    Choose the insurance type form the List of Values:

    • Fellow + One
    • Fellow Only
    • Fellow and Family


    ER Contr


    Dollar amount of the employer's contribution.


    This value should always be 0.00 for fellows.

    EE Contr


    Dollar amount of the fellows contribution.


    This value should be 0.00 if the award is being charged for the total insurance payment. However, the fellow may need to contribute if the Coverage field is other than Fellow Only.

    Cost of Ed


    Select Yes if the Cost of Education grant is charged for the fellow's insurance.

    Select No if the grant is not charged for the fellow's insurance.

    Pay Value

    Do NOT enter data in this field.

    Note: An em dash (—) in the table above indicates a field that is automatically populated by the system or that is not needed.

  12. Select File > Close Form to return to the Element Entries Form.
  13. Select File > Save.
  14. Perform one of the following:
    1. If the award is paying for the all or part of the fellow's health insurance premium (COE = Y), additional elements will need to be entered on a new line in the Element Entry form.
      1. Click in the Element Name field of the next available entry line. If no element entry lines are available, select File > New Record to open a new line.
      2. Ensure that the current Effective Date is the fellow's start date of the benefit (i.e., element) you are about to select. Alter the current date if necessary, by selecting Special > Alter Effective Date... as in step 2A.
      3. Complete the following fields by selecting from Lists of Values.

        Field Name

        Required (R) or Optional (O)


        Element Name


        Earnings for the coverage selected. Select Fellow Health Ins.



        Reason the element is being added.

      4. Click Entry Values to go to the Entry Values form.
      5. As required, complete or review the following fields:

        Field Name

        Required (R) or Optional (O)




        Amount that should be charged to the award.


        This based on the health insurance premium.

        Award Start Date


        Start date of the award that is covering the fellow's health insurance premium.

        Award End Date


        End date of the award that is covering the fellow's health insurance premium.

        Pay Value

        Do NOT enter data in this field.

        Note: An em dash (—) in the table above indicates a field that is automatically populated by the system or that is not needed.

      6. Enter an element level labor schedule for the elements Fellow Health Ins.

  15. If the award is NOT paying for the all or part of the fellow's health insurance premium, you do not have any further steps.
  16. Select File > Save.
  17. Select File > Close Form.
  18. If you need to enter dependent information for a fellow's health insurance, see the process help, "Change Benefit Enrollment." Dependent data is used for informational purposes only.