Enter a Recurring Earnings or Deductions Element - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to enter an additional earnings or deductions element that will be recurring from pay period to pay period.


To enter a recurring earnings or deductions element

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Navigate to People > Enter and Maintain to go to the Decision form.
  2. If the current date is NOT the start date for the recurring element, click Yes to go to the Alter Effective Date form and from the calendar List of Values, select the Effective Date the element should start. Click OK to go to the Find Person form. Go to step 4.
  3. If the current date is the start date of the recurring element, click No to go to the Find Person form.
  4. Complete one of the following appropriate Find Person form fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Full Name


    Person's last name.

    Social Security


    Person's social security number.



    Select from the List of Values:

    Contingent Worker




    Employee Number


    Person's ID Number.

  5. Click the Find button to go to the People form.
  6. Click the Assignment button to go to the Assignment form.
  7. Click the Entries button to go to the Element Entries form.
  8. Click on the Element Name field of the next available element entry line.
  9. Complete the following fields by selecting from the List of Values (...).

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Element Name


    Earnings or deduction element you need to add.

    Ensure that the element is listed as Recurring in the Processing Type column of the List of Values.



    Reason the element is being changed.

  10. If the recurring element is an earnings or deduction element, click Entry Values to go to the Entry Values form.
    1. Complete the appropriate fields, depending on the element selected.
    2. Select File > Close Form to return to the Element Entries form.
    3. Select File > Save. If you need to enter another recurring element, go back to step 8.

    Note: Do NOT enter data in the Pay Value field.

  11. If the recurring element needs to be end dated:
    1. Select File > Save, then Tools > Alter Effective Date to go to the Alter Effective Date form.
    2. Select the end date of the element from the calendar List of Values.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Select Query by Example > Enter.
    5. Select Query by Example > Run.
    6. Click in the line of the recurring element you entered in step 9.
    7. Select Edit > Delete Record to go to the Decision form.
    8. Click Yes to go to the Choose an option form.
    9. Click End Date.
    10. Select File > Save.