Process - Create a Prepayment Invoice

Use these instructions to enter a Prepayment invoice.


  1. The supplier must exist in the business applications.

To Enter a Prepayment Invoice

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Select Invoices: Entry > Invoices to open the Invoices form.
  2. Enter the following fields on the Invoices form:
  2. Field Name
  1. Required (R) or Optional (O)
  1. Description
  1. Type
  1. R
  1. Select Prepayment.
  1. Supplier
  1. R
  1. The name of the business or individual providing goods or services. This field can be updated only if the invoice is unpaid and not accounted. You can adjust this field if the invoice is not validated or if the invoice is not matched to a purchase order.
  1. Supplier Num
  1. R
  1. The number assigned to the supplier.
  1. Site
  1. R
  1. A unique name identifying the supplier's address or site.
  1. Invoice Date
  1. R
  1. The date of the invoice. Select from the calendar List of Values.
  1. Invoice Num
  1. R
  1. A unique, supplier-supplied number on the invoice. Duplicate invoice numbers from the same supplier can't be entered.
  1. Invoice Amount
  1. R
  1. The full amount on the invoice, including tax, freight and miscellaneous charges. If you're creating a zero clearing invoice, enter a zero amount. For example: 0.00.
  1. Description
  1. O
  1. The description of the goods and services listed on the invoice.
  2. The description appears on the check stub so you should input the purchase order (PO) number in this field for invoices associated with a PO.
  1. Terms
  1. R
  1. The payment terms for the supplier.
  2. For example: Net 30
  3. You should choose Immediate in this field if an overnight check is needed. Also, to comply with federal requirements, Immediate is automatically entered if the award is a letter of credit. Otherwise, this field defaults to information from the supplier file but may be changed if necessary.
  1. Payment Method
  1. R
  1. Method by which the invoice is paid. Select from the List of Values: BOA, Check, Clearing, Electronic, Foreign Draft or Wire.
  2. This field defaults to information from the supplier file but may be changed if necessary. You must enter Clearing when creating zero invoices.
  1. Pay Group
  1. R
  1. The pay group defines the check batch. Select from a List of Values:
  2. Mail from Central Office: Central office (CO) mails the check to the supplier.
  3. Return to Campus: CO mails the check to the campus.
  4. This field can't be updated if the invoice is paid.
  1. Prepayment Type
  1. R
  1. Type of Prepayment. This field defaults in Temporary and cannot be changed.
  3. Temporary enables the prepayment invoice to be applied after invoice is validated, paid and after settlement date.
  1. Settlement Date
  1. R
  1. The Settlement date defaults in which is calculated based on the Supplier site value for invoice payment terms.
  2. Note: Cannot apply a Temporary prepayment to invoices or expense reports before the settlement date.
  1. 3. Click either the Lines or Distributions button. Please note that you will need to enter the amount in the Line even if you use Distributions.
  2. 4. Enter the following fields:
  1. Field Name
  1. Required (R) or Optional (O)
  1. Description
  1. Type
  1. R
  1. Type of invoice expense for this distribution line. This field defaults to item for goods or services ordered.
  1. Amount
  1. R
  1. The amount to be charged to the following PTAEO.
  1. Project
  1. R
  1. The number associated with the project funding for this purchase.
  1. Task
  1. R
  1. The subdivision of work within the project funding this purchase.
  1. Award
  1. R
  1. The award number to which the item will be billed.
  1. Expenditure Type
  1. R
  1. The category of purchase. This value defaults from the purchase order.
  2. On awards where the prime sponsor is federal, indirect costs are charged on the first $25,000 of expenditures.
  1. Expenditure Organization
  1. R
  1. The operating location or specific department responsible for the purchase.
  1. Expenditure Item Date
  1. R
  1. The date of the expenditure's distribution. To backdate an invoice, choose a date within the active dates of the project.
  2. This field defaults to today's date but may be changed if necessary.
  1. Income Tax Type
  1. The type of payment made to 1099 suppliers. Select from a List of Values.
  2. This field defaults to information from the supplier file but may be changed if necessary.
  1. Withholding Tax Group
  1. The withholding tax group assigned to invoices for suppliers. Used to calculate the amount withheld for an invoice for 1042 information. Select from the List of Values.
  2. This field can be updated only if the invoice is unpaid and unposted.
  1. Description
  1. This field defaults to the Description entered on the Invoices form but may be changed.
  1. Note: A dash (—) in the table above indicates a field that is automatically populated by the system or that is not needed.

    5. To split distributions across awards, projects, expenditure types and organizations, click in the next blank line or distribution line and fill in the information identified in Step 4 above for each distribution.

    Note: If the sum of the distributions doesn't equal the invoice total, the invoice will be put on hold during invoice validation.

    6. Select File > Save and Proceed to enter another invoice and include them all in a mass validation process. Otherwise, select File > Save to save your distributions and then select File>Close Form to exit form.

    7. Click the Actions...1 button.

    8. Check the Validate checkbox and click OK.

    9. Look at the invoice status to be sure it says "Unpaid". If it says Needs Revalidation, click on the Holds tab to see the hold reason (See Process Help - How to Release an Invoice on Hold)