Create a Prepayment Category Refund - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to enter a category refund against a Prepayment invoice.


  1. There must be a prepayment already entered and paid in Oracle.
  2. Invoice status of prepayment should be "Available."
  3. Cash Receipt has been posted to the campus specific reserved category refund award in the Accounts Receivable (AR) Module of Oracle.

To enter a category refund against a prepayment

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Select Invoices: Entry > Invoices to open the Invoices form.
  2. Create a Standard Invoice (Refer to Process Help - Enter an AP Invoice) Note: Once the supplier is entered at the header level, a message box will appear indicating Prepayments are available. Click OK and proceed with the invoice entry.
  3. Enter amount of $0
  4. Choose Payment Method - Clearing
  5. You can then either Select Lines or Distributions and enter the campus specific reserved category refund PTAEO as a debit
  6. Click Save
  7. Choose Actions > and select Apply/Unapply Prepayment. Click OK.
  8. This will open a new box. (Select the original Prepayment to apply the category refund against).
  9. Click the Apply check box and also click on the Prepayment on Invoice check box
  1. Note: If it is for the full amount, leave the dollar figure as is; if it is for a different amount, delete the amount currently in the field and type in the correct amount.
  1. Choose Apply/Unapply tab in the lower right hand corner.
  2. Click Save and close the box.
  3. Select Actions...1 button
  4. Check the Validate check box and click OK.