Create a Blanket Release - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to create a blanket release. A blanket release is an order of goods or services against the blanket purchase projection.


  1. A blanket purchase projection must exist.

To Create a Blanket Release

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Select Purchase Orders > Releases to open the Releases form.
  2. Enter the following fields on the Releases form:

    Note: There is no line information on a blanket release. The line information is populated from the associated blanket purchase projection.

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    PO, Rev


    The blanket purchase projection number against which a release is created. Once the blanket purchase projection number is entered, the system will automatically populate default fields.

    Shipments Tab

    Source: Line


    The line number of the blanket purchase projection. This determines which line you are releasing.



    The value of 02 will automatically default in when creating new release lines.



    The location to which the vendor should send the goods. The information in this field defaults from the associated blanket purchase projection.



    The unit of measure (UOM) of the item to be purchased. The information in this field defaults from the associated blanket purchase projection.



    For amount-based line items, the amount entered is the amount of the line to be released.


    For goods-based line items, enter the quantity needed and if a price override is allowed by the Blanket Purchase Projection, you can change the unit price.

    [ ]


    Enter a general description of the items to be purchased in the Item Description field of the PO Line Locations form.

    Note: This field prints on the purchase order under the general blanket projection item description.

  3. Click the descriptive flexfield that's under the Total field in the header ( [ ] ) to open the PO Releases form.
  4. Enter the following fields on the PO Releases form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    The person to whose attention the items should be sent. This information prints on the purchase order under the ship-to address.

    Campus Use:


    This text field is for internal campus use. This information prints on the purchase order.

    Release Note:


    This is general Information about the specific purchase order.

    This is a free form text field. This information prints on the purchase order in the Notes box. If this field is left blank, the release note from the Blanket Purchase Projection will print in the Note box.

  5. Click OK to return to the Releases form.
  6. Click Distributions to open the Distributions form.
  7. Enter the following fields on the Distributions form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Project Tab



    This is a system generated distribution line number.



    The project number to which the item will be billed.



    The task number to which the item will be billed.



    The award number to which the item will be billed.

    Expenditure: Type


    The expenditure type. For example: SUP Office Supplies.

    Expenditure: Org


    The expenditure organization.

    Expenditure: Date


    The expenditure date.

  8. Select File > Save.
  9. Click the X in the top right corner to return to the Releases form.
  10. To add another line item to the blanket release, go back to step 2.
  11. Click Approve to open the Approve Document form.
  12. Enter the following fields on the Approve Document form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    Check this box to encumber the funds.

    Submit for Approval


    Check this box to submit your document for approval.

    The system automatically selects this field.



    This field is for comments about blanket release actions. You should use this field to track the actions you did to the blanket release, such as: increase, price change, description change, etc.

    This note field will update the PO View Actions History form. View Actions History form.

  13. Click OK.
  14. Decision Box – you will receive one of the two messages:
    1. “Your Budgetary Control action completed successfully” – PO approved
    2. “Your Budgetary Control action completed with Exceptions” – PO did not approve, click on Details to find out why
  15. Click OK to return to the Releases form.