Process - Create a Blanket Purchase Projection

Use these instructions to create a blanket purchase projection. A blanket purchase order (PO) is used to purchase items that will be required multiple times or for an extended service contract. A blanket PO is broad in scope, doesn't require the same level of detail as a standard PO, and does not encumber funds.

To Create a Blanket Purchase Projection

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Select Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders to open the Purchase Orders form.
  2. Enter the following fields on the Purchase Orders form:

Field Name

Required (R) or Optional (O)




Select Blanket Purchase Agreement from the List of Values.

Note: This will change the form fields to reflect the blanket purchase projection fields.



The name of the business or individual providing goods or services. The supplier name cannot be changed once the purchase order is approved. Select from a List of Values.



A unique name identifying the supplier's address or site.



The location to which the vendor should send the goods. This field defaults from the supplier file but can be changed.



The location responsible for paying the invoice and to which the vendor should send the invoice. This field defaults from the supplier file but can be changed by selecting from the List of Values.



The name of the person purchasing the items. Select from the List of Values.

Amt Agreed


The total amount of the purchase order agreement.



A general description of the items to be purchased.

Note: This is a free form text field.

Lines Tab


  • You'll need to use the horizontal scroll bar to view all fields.
  • Information from the Num, Description, UOM and Price fields will print on the purchase order.
  • For a goods-based line type, you should only enter category, description, UOM and price information.
  • For an amount-based line type, you should only enter category and description information.



A system generated purchase order number.



The line type of the item to be requested.

For example: Goods, Amount Based

Amount-based line items should be used for services. Goods-based line items are used when buying an item(s) for a certain dollar amount.



The category of the items being purchased. Select from a List of Values. You must enter both a major and minor category for the purchase order item. For example SUP Office Supplies.



A general description of the items to be purchased.



The unit of measure (UOM) of the item to be requested.

If entering an amount-based line item, this field defaults to dollars and can't be changed



The price of the item to be requested. If entering an amount-based line item, this field defaults to 1 and can't be changed.

Price Reference Tab

Allow Price Override


Check this box to override the unit price when a blanket release is created. This can only be used for a line type of goods-based.

Price Limit


This is the maximum unit price that a price can be changed to at the time of blanket release. This is only available when the Allow Price Override box is checked.

More Tab

Note: Information entered in these fields will print on the purchase order under the item description.

Note To Supplier


A note from the Research Foundation to the supplier.



A value indicating whether the items are composed of hazardous material.

For example: Corrosives

Agreement Tab

Minimum Release


This determines the minimum amount for a blanket release.

Amount Agreed


The dollar value by line item. This appears in the Projected Amount column in the printed blanket purchase projection form. If completely filled in, the total of the line items will equal the total projection amount.

Expiration Date


The date the line expires. Once this date is reached, blanket releases can no longer be made against this line.

3. Click the descriptive flexfield that's next to the Global field in the header ( [ ] ) to open the PO Headers form.

4. Enter the following fields on the PO Headers form:

Field Name

Required (R) or Optional (O)


PO Destination:


This field is NOT used by the Research Foundation.



The person to whom the items should be sent. This information prints on the purchase order under the ship-to address.

Note: This is a free form text field.

Campus Use:


This text field is for internal campus use. This information prints on the purchase order.

Note: This is a free form text field.

5. Click OK to return to the Purchase Orders form.

6. Click Terms to open the Terms and Conditions form.

7. Enter the following fields on the Terms and Conditions form:

Field Name

Required (R) or Optional (O)


Terms Tab

Terms Region



This determines the invoice due date. This defaults from the supplier file but can be changed by selecting from the List of Values.



A value indicating whether the supplier or the Research Foundation (RF) pays the freight charge:

  1. Due - The buyer (RF) pays the freight.
  2. Paid - The supplier pays the freight.

This field may default to one of these values but can be changed.



Freight on board (FOB) is the point or location where the ownership of goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer:

  1. Destination - The supplier's responsibility ceases upon acceptance by the buyer.
  2. FCA (Free Carrier) - The seller retains responsibility and ownership until goods are on board ship.
  3. Origin - The supplier's responsibility ceases upon transfer to carrier.

This field may default to one of these values but can be changed.


Confirming Order


This indicates if an order was confirmed. If you check this box, "Confirmation, Do Not Duplicate" will print on the purchase order.

Supplier Note


A note from the Research Foundation to the supplier. This information will print in the header information on the purchase order.

Agreement Controls Region



The time period that the purchase order is valid for. Releases can only be made during the effective period.

Amount Limit


This determines how much can be released against the blanket purchase projection. The amount must be equal to or greater than the Amt Agreed field. The default value is Amt Agreed.

Minimum Release


This determines the minimum amount for a blanket release.

8. Select File > Save. Exit out of the Terms tab (click on the X in the right corner) to return to the Purchase Order header screen.

Note: The purchase order number will now be assigned. Don't forget to write down this number.

9. Click Approve to open the Approve Document form.

10. Enter the following fields on the Approve Document form:

Field Name

Required (R) or Optional (O)


Submit for Approval


Check this box to submit your blanket purchase projection for approval.

Note: Once a blanket purchase projection is approved it's available to have a blanket release against it.



This note field will update the PO View Actions History form.

11. Click OK to return to the Purchase Orders form.

Note: You'll see a message stating that your document was submitted for approval.

12. Click OK to return to the Purchase Orders form.