Create, Modify or Query Ship-to, Bill-to and Direct Inquiry Information - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to create or modify a ship-to address, bill-to address and/or telephone information.


  1. You should run a query to make sure that the location doesn't exist in the business applications before creating a new location.

Responsibilities with Access

To Query Ship-to, Bill-to and Direct Inquiry Information

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Select Define Locations to open the Location - Locations Only form.
  2. Select View > Query by Example > Enter.
  3. Enter the following fields on the Location - Locations Only form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    A descriptive name of the internal physical location.

    Note: Use the % as a wildcard when searching for a particular supplier site.

    For example: 010% the 3-digit location code followed by hyphen.

  4. Select View > Query by Example > Run.

To Create or Modify Ship-to, Bill-to and Direct Inquiry Information

Note: For a new record, click on File > New.

  1. Enter the following fields on the Location - Locations Only form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    A descriptive name of the internal physical location.

    For Example: 650-EmpSvc/N425

    This value is limited to 30 characters, of which the first four must be the three-digit location code followed by a hyphen. The exception to this rule is the master location name; there is one for each campus that includes the phone number that prints the Direct Inquiries phone number on vendor checks.

    For example: 650 Central Office (no hyphen)



    The abbreviated description of the internal location's address.

    Warning: You'll get an error message if a location with this exact name already exists.

    Note: You may only create ship-to and bill-to information for your operating location.

  2. Click on the Address Style field that’s located on the Address Details tab of the Location - Locations Only form.
  3. Select the country from the List of Values.
  4. Click on the Address field.
  5. The Location Address form will open.
  6. Enter the following fields on the Location Address form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Address Line 1


    The location name of the internal site.

    Address Line 2


    The street address of the physical ship-to or bill-to location.



    The city associated with the Address Line field. Select from a List of Values.



    The state associated with the City field. Select from a List of Values.

    Zip Code


    The postal zip code of the address, city and state.



    The county in which the physical location resides. The county is based on the zip code entered, select from a List of Values.



    The country of the supplier site.



    The area code and phone number of the physical location. The phone number will appear on the printed purchase order (PO) if the Ship-To Location is selected when creating the PO.

    For example: DIRECT PURCHASING INQUIRIES TO: 518-434-7030



    The seven-digit fax number of the physical operating location.

    Note: Each country will have different fields in the Location Address form. Each form is tailored to the country’s addresses.

  7. Click OK to return to the Location - Locations Only form.

    Note: The information you entered on the Location Address form will combine and display in the Address field on the Location - Locations Only form.

  8. Click on the Shipping Details tab on the Location - Locations Only form and enter the following fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    The contact person for the ship-to or bill-to site. Select from a List of Values.

    Ship-To Location


    This field defaults to the Name of the location but can be changed by selecting from a List of Values.

    Ship-To Site


    If the site is a Ship-To Site only, you should remove the check from the Bill-To Site box.

    Bill-To Site


    If the site is a Bill-To Site, you should check the Bill-To Site box.

    Note: The Ship-To Site field must be checked. It's protected against update for the Locations Only responsibility.

  9. Select File > Save.