Cancel a Purchase Order - Process Help (R12)

Use these instructions to cancel a purchase order (PO).


  1. The PO must exist in the business applications.
  2. The PO must be Approved and Open.
  3. If any of the PO lines are overbilled, you can only cancel the PO line(s) with an active encumbrance, you cannot cancel the entire PO.

To Cancel a Purchase Order

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Select Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Summary to open the Find Purchase Orders form.
  2. Enter the following field on the Find Purchase Orders form:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)




    The number of the purchase order that you need to modify or cancel.

  3. Click Find to open the Purchase Order Headers form.
  4. To cancel an entire approved purchase order
    1. Select Tools > Control to open the Control Document form.
    2. Enter the following field on the Control Document form:

      Field Name

      Required (R) or Optional (O)




      Select Cancel PO from the List of Values to cancel the purchase order.

      Cancel Requisition


      If you use online requisitioning, check this box if you need to cancel the requisition lines associated with the purchase order.

      Note: If this box is not selected, all of the requisition lines associated with this purchase order will be available to be AutoCreated into a purchase order and the encumbrance will still exist.



      The reason for cancellation of the purchase order.

    1. Click OK to open the Caution message.
    2. Click OK to open the Note message.
    3. Click OK to return to the Purchase Order Headers form.

  5. To cancel line items on an approved purchase order
    1. Click Lines to open the Purchase Order Lines form.
    2. In the Purchase Order Lines form, place your cursor on the purchase order line item that you need to cancel.
    3. Select Tools > Control to open the Control Document form.
    4. Enter the following field on the Control Document form.

      Field Name

      Required (R) or Optional (O)




      Select Cancel PO Line from the List of Values to cancel the purchase order line.

      Cancel Requisition


      If you use online requisitioning, check this box if you need to cancel the requisition lines associated with the purchase order.

      Note: If this box is not selected, all of the requisition lines associated with this purchase order will be available to be AutoCreated into a purchase order and the encumbrance will still exist.



      The reason for cancellation of the purchase order.

    1. Click OK to open the Caution message.
    2. Click OK to open the Note message.
    3. Click OK to return to the Purchase Order Lines form

  6. To delete an entire incomplete purchase order (you cannot cancel an incomplete PO)
    1. Place your cursor on the purchase order that you need to delete.
    2. Click Open to open the Purchase Order Summary to Purchase Orders form.
    3. Click on the Supplier field.
    4. Select Edit > Delete to open the Caution form.
    5. Click OK to return to the Purchase Order Summary to Purchase Orders form.
    6. Select File > Save to save the changes.
    7. Select File > Close Window to return to the Purchase Order Headers form.

  7. To delete a line item on an incomplete purchase order (you cannot cancel a line on an incomplete PO)
    1. Place your cursor on the purchase order that you need to cancel.
    2. Click Open to open the Purchase Order Summary to Purchase Orders form.
    3. Click on the line item you need to delete from the purchase order.
    4. Select Edit > Delete to open the Caution form.
    5. Click OK to return to the Purchase Order Summary to Purchase Orders form.
    6. Select File > Save to save the changes.
    7. Select File > Close Window to return to the Purchase Order Headers form.