Enter Biweekly Hourly Encumbrance Amount for a Person

Use these instructions to enter a biweekly amount to be encumbered for an hourly employee. The amount entered will be used to encumber funds until it is changed or zeroed out.

To enter a biweekly hourly encumbrance

When completing the Oracle forms referenced in this procedure, note that a white field indicates optional entry or one that is conditional based on the particular process.

  1. Select People > Enter and Maintain to go to the Decision form.
    1. If the current effective date is not the start date for the hourly encumbrance element entry value you are adding, click Yes to go to the Alter Effective Date form.
      1. Complete the Effective Date field:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Effective Date


    Date the element should start.

    1. Click OK to go to the Find Person form.
    1. If the current effective date is the start date for the hourly encumbrance element entry value you are adding, click No to go to the Find Person form.
    2. Complete one of the following Find Person form fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Full Name


    Person's last name.

    Social Security


    Person's social security number.



    Select from the List of Values:

    Contingent Worker




    Employee Number


    Person's ID Number.

  2. Click Find to go to the People form.
  3. Click Assignment to go to the Assignment form. Verify that the Employment Category is Hourly and the Salary Basis is Hourly 37.5 or Hourly 40.
  4. Click Entries to go to the Element Entries form. There will be a system generated element called Hourly Encumbering.
  5. Click in the line of the Hourly Encumbering element.
  6. Click Entry Values to go to the Entry Values form.
  7. Complete the following fields:

    Field Name

    Required (R) or Optional (O)


    Encumbrance Amount


    Biweekly amount to encumber- not the hourly rate.


    Enter an amount that reflects the employee’s average or usual bi-weekly payment.

    Pay Value

    Do NOT enter data in this field.

    Note: A dash (—) in the table above indicates a field that is automatically populated by the system or that is not needed.

  8. Select File > Save.
  9. Select File > Close Form to to close the Element Entries form.

    Note: You have added the hourly encumbrance element which will be used in the encumbering process. You will need to enter an element level labor schedule for this person to ensure that the correct award is encumbered for this amount. Refer to the process help Enter or Update an Employee Labor Schedule for instructions on entering the element level labor schedule.